Abaco Club refutes opponents’ job claim


Tribune Business Editor


The Abaco Club yesterday rejected claims by opponents of its proposed Little Harbour marina that the project would create just two full-time jobs, describing the development as “critical” to generating more employment by attracting new homeowners to its Winding Bay site.

Tom Southworth, vice-president of development for Southworth Development, the Abaco Club’s owner, told Tribune Business that the Little Harbour facility would directly generate four full-time, and six part-time, jobs once fully operational.

Promising that this would add “several hundred thousand dollars” in annual payroll to the Abaco economy, Mr Southworth said 15 construction jobs would be created during the marina’s construction.

Responsible Development for Abaco (RDA), which is seeking to prevent the project from moving forward via a Judicial Review action currently before the Supreme Court, had alleged in its filings that just two full-time jobs would be created at Little Harbour.

It had used this statistic to support its argument that the economic benefits from the marina project are tilted overwhelmingly in favour of the Abaco Club and its owners, as opposed to the surrounding community.

Mr Southworth yesterday said RDA had taken its figure from an old Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and that he had disclosed the correct job statistics during a Town Meeting on the Little Harbour project back in June.

He had emphasised then that the indirect employment spin-offs would be much greater than the full-time jobs, as the marina would create opportunities for boat captains, mechanics and other service providers.

Mr Southworth said the marina was a key ‘value-added’ amenity demanded by its homeowners, and its creation would enhance the Abaco Club’s value and attract new homeowners - all of which would generate more jobs and economic activity for the island.

Pointing to the development’s existing 140 employees, he said back in June: “This marina is critical to the growth and success of the Abaco Club, and the jobs created by this marina do not stop in Little Harbour.

“Some of our prospective real estate buyers have committed to buying once our marina is in place. A new home will generate as many as 15 to 20 jobs for a period of nine to 12 months.

“Over the build out of our homes and facilities, we anticipate generating over 1,000 construction-related jobs. Again, the marina is a critical component of our plans for Winding Bay, and a critical factor driving the jobs we intend to create.”

Mr Southworth also promised that proceeds from the marina sales, as much as $125,000 per slip, would be reinvested back into the Abaco Club in the form of show homes and new amenities.

“This marina and its sales will support not only near-term construction jobs as we put more investment to work, but also long-term operational jobs as our full slate of amenities materialises,” he added.

Mr Southworth added that some existing moorings would be relocated, not demolished as suggested by RDA, while the dock set for demolition was yesterday described as “a non-functioning, dilapidated” facility on the property it has itself purchased.

He also confirmed yesterday that the Abaco Club has dropped plans for a desalination plan and wastewater treatment plant at Little Harbour, while eating facilities will not be a restaurant.

Arguing that Little Harbour was already “commercialised” by the presence of Pete’s Pub, Mr Southworth said: “We will offer a public pump-out facility, hopefully decreasing the ongoing pollution in Little Harbour by boats discharging waste into the harbor.

“We will have small solar down lights covering walkways, but no other significant outdoor lighting.”

He added that the EIA for the Little Harbour project, conducted by Keith Bishop of Islands by Design, had shown the marina’s environmental impact will be “negligible”.


birdiestrachan 7 years, 6 months ago

The outspoken QC does not want progress for the Bahamas. how else would he be able to boast about how he pays doctor bills and school fees for persons in Smith Point.. and refer to the Bahamas as a Banana Republic. In my view the outspoken QC does not mean the people of the Bahamas or the Bahamas well. This is my view.


alleycat 7 years, 6 months ago

Just a few comments on Mr. T. Southworth's statements: 1. RDA did not "allege" there would only be 2 jobs. That figure came from the Abaco Club's own EIA. 2. This is not "an old EIA', it's the ONLY EIA. And it was "updated" by a letter from Islands by Design in May 2016 which said that the number of employees "may potentially exceed the stated maximum" of two. So now it's four? Well, that will save the economy. 3. Oh, pardon me, now it's 1000 construction jobs. So 1 out of every 7 people of working age on Abaco will be building houses at Winding Bay. And with a crew of 15 to 20 (Mr. Southworth's figures, not mine), that means they will be building between 50 and 66 houses all at the same time. All because of a marina with no power, no water, a 4 foot controlling depth, at the end of 2 miles of dirt road and surrounded by hostile natives. Amazing. 4. The only honest thing here is Mr. S's statement that the proceeds will go back into the Abaco Club. And guess who owns the Club right now? Mr. S's daddy!


sea_sprite 7 years, 6 months ago

He and His father are just another version of Trump - if you believe anything they say, you will soon learn your mistake. Just as the people in the USA are coming to realize they may have empowered a man who is only out to get his own. Always has been, always will be.


BBB111 7 years, 6 months ago

Its all about the money!!! in no way is this project going to help little harbour, or the environment. Locals have to put up with increased traffic, parking lots, moving their moorings, environmental impact, etc. This is only benefiting the members of the abaco club. All the visitors from the club let their children run around petes pub crushing and killing any living thing they can get their little privileged hands on. Pulling legs and tails off lizards, crushing hermit crabs, etc.. happens every week. no one cares about the environment except the locals, money always wins and its so disappointing. The rumors about the harbour being polluted, they didnt even test for bacteria!! Boats have been visiting this harbour for decades and it is fine the way it is. Why cant southworth build a harbour in winding bay? There is opportunity, they got money to make it work, but they dont want to pollute their beach. Everything they present is a LIE.


sealice 7 years, 6 months ago

This guy sounds just like da gubmint.... the boats don't pump their crap out in little harbour they know better then that and if anyone does that they will get run out of the harbour real quick. Just because the Abaco Club has failed as a project (another great PLP project) doesn't mean you have to go fruck up everything around it trying to make the Abaco club look better. Once again the PLP project's failed and they feel the need to destroy a whole bunch more crap to try and fix it....


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