A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Why I’m proud to stand and serve Long Islanders and the FNM



Wow! It is amazing what a week makes in local politics.

Last night, Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner had her nomination rescinded by the Free National Movement (FNM). The revocation of her nomination came in the wake of a coup d’état last week where she - along with Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins, Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key, North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly, St Anne’s MP Hubert Chipman, Montagu MP Richard Lightbourn and Central Grand Bahama MP Neko Grant -deposed party leader Dr Hubert Minnis as Leader of the Opposition in the House of Assembly.

Frankly, many FNMs did not approve of that move. Many throughout the length and breadth of the Bahamas railed against what appeared to be Mrs Butler-Turner’s hostile takeover.

After last week’s stunning overthrow of Dr Minnis, Mrs Butler-Turner was sworn in on Sunday as the new Leader of the Opposition in the House and immediately set tongues wagging with her first appointment to the Senate.

Firstly, whilst I respect that Mrs Butler-Turner has made history by becoming the first female Leader of the Opposition, one would be foolish to believe that she did not see the handwriting on the wall in her constituency, choosing instead to chase history in the face of much disenchantment from Long Islanders.

Over the last four-and-a-half years, there has been considerable controversy in the FNM, much of it due to an ongoing, never-ending spat between Mrs Butler-Turner and Dr Minnis. I have always held the view that Mrs Butler-Turner sought to lead but did not know how to follow. I felt that she never gave the doctor a chance, undermining him at every point and deepening the schism in the party.

In the lead-up to the most recent convention, Mrs Butler-Turner’s comments were caustic and I wondered if the FNM would recover. Notwithstanding that, Mrs Butler-Turner - in the interest of peace and harmony - received the nomination for Long Island. That peace and harmony was short lived.

Today, I affirm that the people of Long Island, my hometown, have been calling … and I intend to answer their call.

Oh what a difference a few months could make!

My heart has always been with Long Island and theirs has been with me. I am pleased that Long Islanders have put my name forward as constituency cancdidate and overwhelmingly thrown their support behind me. There is no place like home and I am ready to serve them; I am ready to ensure that our island attains it potential.

I am biased. I have always said that Long Island is the best island in The Bahamas. It is the gem of our archipelago. Long Island people are the most hard working and industrious folks in The Bahamas. We have produced top-class students, business persons, educators, lawyers, doctors … the list goes on and on.

Notwithstanding that, Long Island has seemingly been left behind in terms of development.

We are in desperate need of a spanking new, international airport. We need running water to run throughout the island. Our economy is in the doldrums. I know. As a businessman in Long Island, it is a struggle to keep my business afloat. It is time for Long Island to get its fair cut of The Bahamas’ economic pie. Undoubtedly, I will delve deeper into the issues and solutions for Long Island in the very near future.

That said, as it stands, we have people in Long Island who are living in substandard housing. Hurricane Joaquin totally dismantled and/or damaged the homes of people like Edith Cartwright, Lorene Cartwright, Kathleen Cartwright, Steve Burrows, Drexel Turnquest and John Knowles, who have all lost their homes and they have received no assistance with repairs or reconstruction. The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has forgotten these people and pulled out to address the concerns of other islands. It is high time that Long Island is no longer treated as the step-child of our archipelago. It is time that tax paying Long Islanders received the same respect and benefits like other taxpayers in The Bahamas.

What’s more, for more than a year, Long Islanders have been unable to have driver’s licences printed. They must either travel to Nassau for a printed licence or walk around with a piece of paper (receipt) in their wallets. This is disgraceful. Long Islanders pay road taxes like everyone else ... so why is there not a printing machine at the office in the south and one at the office in the north? This is totally inexcusable!

Yesterday, I was advised that south Long Islanders can hardly register to vote. I am advised that the water pump at the administrator’s office has been out of operation for weeks. According to my sources, this results in the workers having to shut the office down at noon every day. That is objectionable!

These are small matters that should be raised and addressed. There is no reason why these issues should not be promptly addressed.

And so, a day in politics is really like a century.

It has always been my dream and desire to represent my home town. I grew up in Long Island. My grandfather, Edward Gibson, hails from the south. My grandmother, Lenora Gibson, hails from the north. Half of my family lives in the south. The other half lives in the north.

I am truly honoured to have an opportunity to serve requests of Long Islanders. There is truly no place like home.

I have been in communication with the leadership of the FNM. No doubt, Long Islanders have also been expressing their concerns and desires. I have already indicated that I would accept a nomination to serve the people from whence I came. I have informed the FNM that, if approved by its executive and general council, I would proudly carry the party’s banner in Long Island. Our talks have been productive and fruitful. I believe that we can return Long Island to the win column of the FNM.

What’s more, this time around, I would encourage all Long Islanders to unite. Let’s continue to make Long Island great … let’s take Long Island to higher heights and make our beautiful hometown the capital of the southern Bahamas.

Long Islanders residing in Long Island … I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Comments and responses to ajbahama@hotmail.com


birdiestrachan 7 years, 7 months ago

Young Man you were always after a nomination for the FNM and Long Island should be right up your alley, and just imagine what you will be able to spin as you wright this young mans view .Do well to remember that The Bahamas has no money trees. so make no promises you will not be able to keep.

realfreethinker 7 years, 7 months ago

birdiestrachan your shirt should be bloody by now from the blood draing from your lip. " so make no promises you will not be able to Keep" you shouls have given that advice to your beloved plp

birdiestrachan 7 years, 7 months ago

In the words of Donald Trump "Lets make Long Island great again' {

sheeprunner12 7 years, 7 months ago

Strachan is a Rum Cay name ........... even Brave running from there this election cycle (heard him in the House of Wednesday prepping for St. Cecelia) .......... Long Island welcomes Adrian Gibson (a proud young smart son of the soil) .......... Adrian is not driftwood like LBT ....... he was reared and educated in the bowels of North Long Island and he will have a lot of support across the island ...... Still, he needs good advisors and generals on the ground (not like the present LBT dimwits)

Alex_Charles 7 years, 7 months ago

This will be a fascinating election. I trust more in Adrian than Rollins or LBT, but that's for the good people of Long Island to decide upon.

DEDDIE 7 years, 7 months ago

Who do you suggest he hitch his wagon to?

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