Love from a healthy heart

By Dr Betty Adderley

ON Sunday we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Wherever we went we saw shop windows plastered with hearts and messages declaring that “Love is in the air”.

Well, shouldn’t this get us thinking about how our hearts need to be strong, not only for one day a year, but for as long as we live.

True love comes straight from the heart. When we reach to embrace someone, when we share a smile or when we reach out to assist someone in need, the heart is at work. Would it not be great to know that we are extending love from a healthy heart? It is imperative that we do our best to take care of our hearts. This may mean a change in lifestyle.

Here are some healthy tips to help guard the heart:

• Do not smoke

Chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels, leading to a blockage of the arteries, and ultimately, a heart attack.

• Exercise regularly

Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day. Walking is simple but very effective as it helps with circulation of the blood and strengthening of the heart’s muscles.

• Eat healthy

Ensure that you add sufficient fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Include whole grain foods, beans, fish like salmon and low fat servings of protein. Avoid the use of saturated and trans fat in your diet, and limit the use of fried foods.

• Supplement

The body needs a total of 90 essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In a study conducted by the American Heart Association it was found that women who consumed high amounts of antioxidants had a 32 per cent lower risk of heart attack and stroke than women who consumed fewer antioxidants. Regular consumption of antioxidants can readily prevent free radicals damage to body cells. Some scientists have noted that not all problems are associated with aging but rather by free radical damage. A comparison – free radical damage does to the body what rust does to metal.

Some herbs are known to improve heart health; garlic is one such herb, and is known to be one of the single most effective herbs for reducing high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Over the past 30 years more than 1,000 documentaries have appeared in scientific journals on the clinical applications of garlic on the cardiovascular system. Garlic preparations and supplements have shown to be highly effective in preventing blood clots, preventing hardening of arteries and reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Omega 3 fish oil is another powerful supplement, and in addition to being effective in cancer prevention, it is also a super heart product. Organisations such as National Institute of Health and the American Heart Association have acknowledged the value of Omega 3 fatty acids. Research indicates that regular use favourably lower cholesterol, making a powerful impact on heart health.

Coenzyme Q10 is also an excellent for strengthening the heart.

Now is an excellent time to think about your heart health.

• For more information, contact Dr Betty Adderley at 361-5435 or e-mail bett_on @ yahoo.com. Dr Adderley is a veteran educator, certified nutritionist, trained counsellor, network marketing coach and motivational speaker.


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