PM: Face up to fundamentalists

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read with disbelief The Nassau Guardian’s article of 29 June 2016; “Group seeks to pressure PM to resign”.

“The Gatekeepers” no less. The plan is to urge Bahamians to boycott all government events until the Prime Minister resigns. Instead of The Gatekeepers urging Bahamians to boycott all government events, how about if all the Seventh Day Adventists working for the government resign their posts?

I’m sure that the SDA’s working for the government are doing such a wonderful job that as soon as they quit the government will fall apart.

No need to draw the rest of us into their battle with the PM. And since their god is on their side there is no need to worry about a government pay cheque.(See Matthew 6:25-34)

As a matter of fact, what the government should do is to make working on Saturday mandatory regardless of religious affiliation.

As for The Gatekeepers promising a diverse and cosmopolitan party, the last time we had a diverse and cosmopolitan party Christopher Columbus came to town and murdered all the indigenous peoples of The Bahamas in the name of his god and country.

As usual, this is one more disgruntled Christian Fundamentalist group trying to destabilise the elected government of The Bahamas.

Many of the SDA probably even voted the PLP into office. Now that they are on the wrong side of history they want to weep and wail and gnash their teeth.

I urge the Prime Minister to stand firm against the Christian Fundamentalists who wish to destroy this great and progressive country.



June 29, 2016.


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