Missing cash

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What will cause the Attorney General or the Prime Minister to simply say look this is enough we have to have urgent and in depth audits of all revenue generating departments and anyone found questionable must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Road Traffic - $40m,

Post Office - can’t remember how many millions,

COB - millions even here under prosecution for some.

BAMSI - the building contract

Carnival Festival - multi-million overspend and no accounts, two years!

Real Property - uncollected $400m owing. Don’t pay, discounts offered.

BTC - millions owed,

BEC/BP&L - million owed,

NIB - simple NIB monthly payment overdue.

BOB - a total mess,

Passport Office - total mess, everyone knows July is vacation month.

NAD/LPIA - seems a lot of unpaid bills here, fees going up.

Editor - you are looking at hundreds of millions owed, unpaid or lost to stealing and seemingly Caesar, the Prime Minister, sits

quiet, undisturbed obviously unconcerned....clearly disillusioned!

Can you imagine Hon Jerome Fitzgerald as Deputy PM after what he seems to have orchestrated with the Rubis scandal? An apparent and to me an incredible level of total disregard to the health and well-being of his Marathon constituents and look at his arrogance? Education still at D-grade!



July 7, 2016.


Economist 7 years, 10 months ago

And let us not forget the $100 million that goes missing out of the $00 million spent on health.

Bahamasair. Something does not smell right.

How does an airline that is over $500 million in the red borrow $100 million for new aircraft? May be a Government guarantee which means another $100 MILLION TO ADD TO THE NATIONAL DEBT.


Sickened 7 years, 10 months ago

Mr. Thompson, that's the short list. Can you imagine how long the full list, going back 43 years would be.

Let's face it. We have 'hired' absolutely incompetent people to run our country since independence. And based on what is being offered up for next year, we will see more theft and incompetence until we are no more.


EasternGate 7 years, 9 months ago

This Government loves to operate in a "cesspit" environment!


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 9 months ago

All of those who pushed for rather than against government's introduction of VAT should hang their heads in shame when reading this one paragraph in a recent article written by Richard Coulson and published in The Tribune:

"The rating agencies will not be blind that VAT was originally sold to the Bahamian public as a direct application against debt increase, only to learn that that the proceeds are swallowed into the Consolidated Fund, where, since dollars are fungible, they simply pay for whatever increased expenses the politicians approve. In their talks with the private sector, the analysts will not find many citizens claiming VAT has improved public services, reduced public inefficiencies or lowered import duties to reduce his food bill - quite the contrary, as every lower-income shopper finds the necessities of life have become a struggle to economise, or do without."

The idiots like John Rolle, Gowan Bowe and others who made the government's case for introducing VAT turned a blind eye to the simple fact that giving a spendthrift corrupt incompetent government more money to spend would naturally induce more government spending and enable more government borrowing. It's common sense that just like you don't give an alcoholic more alcohol to drink, you don't give a corrupt irresponsible government that can't control spending more money to spend. Rolle, Bowe and others like them should have been insisting on tangible evidence of reform in the government's wasteful spending habits for at least a year or two before even considering throwing their support behind any system of new taxation. By not insisting on the VAT revenue being appropriately ring-fenced or earmarked only for paying down the level of our national debt, our country's finances are now in an even worse position than they were before the introduction of VAT. Thank you John Rolle, Gowan Bowe and others like you for helping our government royally shaft all honest hardworking Bahamian taxpayers!! And to think John Rolle went on to become Governor of The Central Bank; a definite quid pro quo from a corrupt government for his efforts in securing more tax dollars for our government to wastefully spend or allow to be squandered by egregious instances of outright fraud!!!


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