Profits and philanthropy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

CORPORATE philanthropy is a great practice and locally we have many corporates who give generously.

Listening to a Talk Show to-day, basically a start-up company formed pre-2012 confirmed that they had donated resurfacing of Basketball Courts, 40 in total at a cost of $20,000.00 each which means this company over four plus years had been able to donate over $800,000.

I do not wish to be critical but something sure as hell is wrong here. If this is so, Ministry of Works might need to have an independent auditor check the first cost and mark-up of the services the ministry uses extensively.

Never realised there was so much profit in striping a line?

West Bay, Sandy Port east to Super Value - what’s this sidewalk about? Over a mile - is it necessary - waiting for the first good rain and boy the road will be flooded. ln this MP Minnis using his Constituency money, $100k a year?



July 18, 2016.


Sickened 7 years, 9 months ago

Speaking of the sidewalk. I can't believe how poorly this was planned and implemented. Didn't these people see the big coconut tree and the 10 foot high Sandyport sign was going to be in the way? At first they were going to build the sidewalk around the tree (YES... the tree was going to be in the middle of the sidewalk) and at the very last minute they swerved the sidewalk around the tree. THEN... with this experience in hand just a couple of days prior, they didn't notice that the sidewalk was heading for a sign post (which has been there for months, if not years) and again, at the very last foot, they not only swerved the sidewalk around the sign but they also narrowed the sidewalk for a few feet. When this sign and tree are eventually removed this sidewalk is going to be hilarious to walk. WHAT ABSOLUTELY BACKWARDS PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION. Incompetence at its best!!


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