Dissent in the FNM ranks

EDITOR, The Tribune

Found myself in the middle of a discussion with a couple of the young Turks in the Free National Movement this week.

I was being informed about my lack of knowledge as to what was going on in the Party, regarding Dr Minnis and the questions regarding his suitability to lead the party into the next election. I really enjoyed the exchange, trying to give historical input to the issue of the Free National Movement and their problems with leadership.

In the midst of the discussion, two words kept on coming, charisma and polls. As far as I can figure out, some research was done and the polls that were taken showed that Dr Minnis was lacking in particular areas.

I wanted to suggest that what they were looking for in a leader could be found in the average Baptist pastor; seems like they were looking for a Perry Christie type to fill the bill. I surmised that the polls were only taken among Party members, because when I brought up the issue of needing a person who would at least command the popular vote, I was told that I really did not know what I was talking about. Deep political stuff, I guess.

However, there are a couple of things I do know. The last two elections lost by the Party could be attributed to the fact that there are  some in the party who have no patience at all. I know that if Branville McCartney had exercised some patience, Loretta Butler-Turner would be leading a quieter life in the party; and the Free National Movement could still be the government.

It seems that there are those in the party who do not understand that in an, “event-focused, personality-driven, crisis oriented culture”, such as ours, change only happens when the voters see a choice of diametrically opposed contenders.

The squabble that is going on now should have been left for after the election. The Free National Movement needs Minnis if they are to win, they have no one else in the party with the “charisma” to command the popular vote.

They are deluded to think that the populace is going to trust them, when they are already a part of the “status quo” that this nation is having internal issues with. The “ rebels” have compounded their folly by using the same language that members of the governing party are using in their descriptions of Minnis; which is kind of stupid, to say the least.

When you take all of what you see and hear into consideration we begin to see a class warfare issue; where Minnis is seen as an outsider to groups within both parties.

There are those in the Free National Movement who must understand that there are not enough FNMs in the world to cause them to win the Government in 2017, and it can only be achieved through the popular vote that Minnis commands.

This isn’t anything new, Pindling and Ingraham had the same problem, but Minnis is a much nicer person.

Heads would have been rolling by now if we were a couple of decades removed.

Maybe there is time for these young upstarts and old malcontents to understand where they are and  “know what they are looking at”, but there are really too many Coffee houses in this little country of ours.

This may not mean anything, but none of the persons vying for leadership can beat Perry Christie dancing; at least Minnis shakes a mean cowbell.



May 31, 2016.


proudloudandfnm 7 years, 11 months ago

I have never in my life seen an article so wrong.

Minnis controls the popular vote?!?!?

Are you insane?


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