Why I won’t vote

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The proposed Referendum - simply I do not intend participating nor any of my direct and indirect family will as a protest for the Christie Government making a total mockery of the Numbers Referendum. I recommend everyone else to do the same.

I read this quite forthright statement attributed to President Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States.

“The Government that governs best... governs least,” - Thomas Jefferson

Would it not be wonderful if our politicians would adopt this rather than wanting to meddle in even the most intimate aspect of our lives?

The Auditor General almost daily is discovering misappropriation of substantial amounts of Treasury revenue but what will happen? Nothing as the stupidity around the Auditor’s Annual Report is totally useless... the report is Tabled and then no one reads it. If there was one Report that should be debated it is this but do the sitting Government wish to discover the obvious immaturity and mismanagement?

2016 Police Report - surely it is rational to suggest that the Opposition, Minnis-Pintard & Co, is prematurely passing a comment on the 2016 Police Report if they have not had the opportunity in meeting the Commissioner and the Police Management team.



February 15, 2016.


themessenger 8 years, 2 months ago

I'll say it again. Every time I think that the level of ignorance in this country can sink no lower my people always manage to surprise me. If this attitude isn't the clearest indicator of disrespect for and dismissal of our women then what the hell is??


Emac 8 years, 2 months ago

I am all for these bills. 100% so. But I too will not be wasting my time going to vote on anything this government brings to the people. Sorry but I cannot stomach hypocrisy. Why did they not support the bill under Ingraham??? Besides, this PLP government have all kinda woman beaters and misogynists and I am gonna participate in this fake process to make them look good? I don't think so! As a matter of fact, they don't even exist to me.


Publius 8 years, 2 months ago

Why did they not support the bill under Ingraham???

They did. Every single one of them voted yes to each and every Bill. It was us who were the damned fools who fell for a political trick afterward. But insofar as the records reflect, all of these same PLP MPs have now voted yes twice to these Bills. They are good with history and with the UN. It is us who are the imbeciles and misogynists.


Emac 8 years, 2 months ago

"The referendum had been contested between the two main parties after the PLP reversed their earlier support and campaigned against the changes" If the PLP had fully supported the bill, there wanted be a need to have a referendum this year.



asiseeit 8 years, 2 months ago

Perry them will do as they please no matter what the people say, they did it with the numbers, so why not with equality? I will not be wasting my time to vote.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

You cannot FIX this Constitution ........... you need to tear it up and start over ...... Pindling created an Africanized dictatorship system ........... SLOP, Mugabe, Ingraham, Perry are all ten cent dictators ........... why is Westminster systems like Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Britain do not have these Prime Ministers with Dictator powers??????????


themessenger 8 years, 2 months ago

Fellow Bahamians, by voting no we are only continuing to disenfranchise our wives,daughters and grandchildren. What we need is an overwhelming YES vote in the referendum and a resounding NO vote for the PLP come election or will you not bother to vote on that matter either?


Publius 8 years, 2 months ago

Fellow Bahamians, by voting no we are only continuing to disenfranchise our wives,daughters and grandchildren

The sickening truth? Many of us - men and women - do not care.


afficianado 8 years, 2 months ago

Thomas Jefferson was a known pedophile and slave owner!!


birdiestrachan 8 years, 2 months ago

Eastern Gate this may be the only time I will ever agree with you.. I will vote NO.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

Bill #1 ........... YES, Bill#2 ................ NO, Bill#3 ............. NO, Bill#4 .......... Hell NO!!!!!!!!!!! 1. encourage traditional marriage 2. discourage marriages of convenience 3. discourage illegitimate liasons 4. discourage sissyism ............... PLP Cabinet has a serious agenda


Publius 8 years, 2 months ago

All four of these Bills are Ingraham's Bills. Why do you keep saying the PLP has an agenda? They didn't make these Bills up, they are literally the same Bills passed in 2002 under Ingraham. Copy and paste essentially.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

Pubby ....... I really thought that you were well read ........ this PLP referendum has cherry-picked four specific issues from the original 2002 Question No. 1 that was intended to generally remove ALL gender discrimination from the Constitution ....... these four 2016 questions are targeting certain voting groups that traditionally support the PLP


EasternGate 8 years, 2 months ago

The PLP has no moral authority to sponsor these bills


sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

Agreed ........... the PLP has shit all over women since the days of the Suffragettes ............ now they are pandering to the weaker vessel again and using the gullible Church leaders to add some "moral authority" ........ the PLP is the Devil incarnate (just look at their crab (masonic) symbol


jackbnimble 8 years, 2 months ago

To the letter writer: To cop out by not voting because of the last referenda or opinion poll or whatever the hell that was is a mistake. The persons who are voting yes (especially for #4 which is the big khahuna) will be at the polls in full force to ensure this goes through.

To refrain from voting is the same as voting yes because your vote will not count but the yes and nos will. What if your 1 vote would have made the difference?

Don't be foolish. This our constitution man. They obviously need the citizenry to amend or not amend it unlike the last joke of a referendum. The outcome of this will affect generations.

I certainly plan to make my vote count whether I'm for or against any of the bills.


ADubbs 8 years, 2 months ago

This is an unfortunate position to take, and seems to be ill-informed. The "referendum" on gambling was nothing more than an opinion poll conducted at the (poor) discretion of the government. A referendum is not needed for legislation, but it is absolutely necessary for a change to the constitution. The constitution itself states this, and constitutional referenda are binding. Choosing not to participate is silencing oneself, and does not spite the government in the least.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago

Well ............ why is it that very few First World democratic countries have over 50% voter turnout at elections????? ........ I choose to abstain


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