Vote buying

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THERE is a reason vote buying is illegal in every democracy, because it usurps democracy and encourages the rule of the well resourced – the rich or the one percent.

Politicians in the developing world find ways to bribe voters and not have any problems with the law. The main difference between political patronage of the developed world is that the developed world caters to large groups such as elderly, women disadvantaged groups, etc, while developing world politicians cater to the individual. Developed world politicians offer health care, welfare, day care while third world politicians offer short term employment, materials for house and direct individual bribes. The policies incentives contribute to the greater good and has a far greater effect to improve the well being of a particular portion of the electorate. While in countries like the Bahamas the voting incentives are cosmetic and cater to instant gratification. To be crude it is the difference between courting a lady by giving her a meal or offering her to help build a more prosperous future.

If The Bahamas is to become a developed nation, The Bahamas must get rid of nickel and dime political patronage such as vote buying and move towards far teaching social engineering. The people will benefit more and The Bahamas will be more prosperous. If the people are more prosperous the politicians will be more prosperous and be more respected on the global stage. The people that support them will be less capricious and more principled. Politicians will be less malleable to the developed world’s personal agenda because their supporters are powerful and strong. Politicians get their power from the people who support them. If the people that support them are powerful, they become more powerful. It’s a chicken and egg situation.



November 29, 2016.


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