Where are the radars?

EDITOR, The Tribune

PRIME Minister Christie speaks with considerable emotion on climate warming and the evident dangers of that to The Bahamas. However, the two principal friends to The Bahamas, the USA and the People’s Republic of China, are two of the worst climate offenders.

Whatever effort we do make, even if we had a 100 per cent non-polluting environment, would make little if any difference.

We are affected by the pollution of the US, China and other countries, not only in the air that we breathe but in the abundant sea that surrounds us. Coral reefs are dying; with that, the fish hatcheries will be gone.

How quickly can the developed world, which has a high level of creating pollution, change – and what is the timeline?

Of course, PM Christie was right to comment on climate change after the advent of us being hit by a hurricane. But we know we live in a tropical hurricane zone; nothing has changed that from the beginning.

A postscript to Hurricane Matthew 2016. Much is talked about the 1929 hurricane; coincidence or not, the hurricane 87 years ago hit The Bahamas on September 24 and left The Bahamas on October 4.

Minister of Transport and Aviation, it is officially confirmed that the Met Office did not have the Doppler radar. Didn’t the minister announce in Parliament after Joaquin that government was purchasing four Dopplers and locating them from the south to the north of the country?

PM Christie needs to fire this minister. Hurricanes are life and death issues. The all–important weather forecasters must be equipped.



October 10, 2016


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