MICHELLE MILLER MOTIVATIONALS: Do you have the action habit?

When it comes to habits, there are two that rise to the top. One is the habit of talking, the other is the habit of action. Which habit do you possess?

It doesn’t take rock science to figure out that a large number of people are burdened by the talking habit. So much so that many of them are ignorant of the fact that the action habit exists and is way more powerful than mere words.

Without knowing about something, it is difficult to benefit from it. This means that before you can adopt the action habit, you must know that this habit is an option or choice that you can make.

A habit is defined as a routine behaviour that is repeated regularly. In other words, habits are what we repeatedly do; much of which is done on autopilot. Once it becomes a habit, you do it without even thinking. Consider the vast number of folks that talk and talk and talk. Years later they are still talking, having done nothing to change their situation.

Same goes for the habit of “praying about it”. Praying without taking action is just as futile. As the Good Book says, “Faith without works is dead”. The more important point here is to understand that we are born to act. Taking action is the human way.

I know for sure that having the action habit is a central ingredient in my capacity to live an empowered life. Although such a life is readily available to all of us, only those who adopt the action habit will be take the plunge.

Habits are like arrows, steadily moving towards a particular outcome. Whether positive or negative, once the habit remains in play, the results must be the same.

The results you are living today are based on the habits that you have in play.

For example, if you have the habit of spending frivolously, the result of money problems is automatic. Similarly, the habit of prudent spending produces the result of better money management.

Having the action habit is not so much about just taking action. Instead, it is about making deliberate action a habitual part of your life. Changing your habits literally changes your life.

As I said, endless talking amounts to a life in the wasteland,whereas action habit builds you a city of confidence. This is the preferred habit of successful people everywhere.

Yes, while habits are hard to break they are also hard to build. However, if you are willing to assess your habits and be brutally honest about which habits you harbour and which ones serve you best, you can begin the deleting and rebuilding process. This is important because no two opposing habits can exist at the same time. One must be deleted before the other can be erected.

Leader to leader, understand that your habits determines your destiny. You have full authority to adopt those habits that moves you towards your best self. The action habit is such a habit.

By adopting the action habit you confidently live an empowered life. Yes, you can do it!

What do you think? Please send your comments to coaching242@yahoo.comor call 429-6770.

• Michelle M Miller is a certified life coach, communication and leadership expert. Visit www.michellemmiller.com; mail can be sent to PO Box CB-13060.


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