Praise for PMH staff

EDITOR, The Tribune.

AS a country we have a tendency to publicise the negative and keep the positive things a secret.

We downgrade and attack without ever congratulating and appreciating. Today I write in hope that we may highlight more of the good taking place in this country.

We have heard many stories about the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). It’s filthy, it’s overcrowded, the service is poor and other comments I dare not repeat. Often times, persons barge into PMH angry, frustrated and in distress. They enter expecting an immediate resolution to their issues sometimes verbally abusing the staff at PMH.

I am a dialysis patient that was admitted to Male Medical Ward #2 at PMH. I could hardly breathe on arrival.

I was placed on oxygen immediately and received an emergency regimen for my condition. I did not rush in shouting and demanding immediate attention. I was calm, my wife was calm and explained my condition.

My experience at PMH was extraordinary. It was completely the best and most professional service I have received in almost 60 years of living in The Bahamas. The level of care and attention that was given to me is unprecedented. The doctors and nurses were always kind and pleasant often times being the ones to keep my spirits high. They showed concern in my progress and no matter how many times I would call on them; they came with a smile each time. My medication was always on time and my meals were on time, delicious and according to my diet.

We often downplay public services thinking that because it is private and expensive it is better than public services. That is such an unfortunate cliche that exists in The Bahamas. We have excellent public servants out there who are working diligently daily to provide the best possible service they can. I entered the hospital barely breathing the day I was admitted and with a calm and humble attitude, my wife explained the situation and we were able to get help. We must begin to realise that sometimes the results we get are due to the attitude we give. I have heard and seen persons barging into the hospital demanding immediate attention using vulgar and obscene language. Some pushing other aching patients to the side to receive care.

My fellow Bahamians, sometimes, the attitude you give determines the level of service you receive. Our doctors and nurses in the public hospital are there to see to it that you recover as best as possible. It is not right to be rude and disrespectful to them. We must begin to appreciate our public nurses and doctors. They work diligently every day, going above and beyond but never receive a simple thank you. It is clearly not the pay that they do it for, they love and have a passion for what they do, but they should not be subject to degrading comments. We must be careful not under appreciate our nurses and doctors, else we may see them recruited by our neighbors. I call on you the Bahamian people to examine your behavior when using our public medical services, and our public services at large. Appreciate the doctors and nurses for the remarkable and life saving work that they do. Let us not focus on the negative but on the good and selfless work that our health care professionals do.

And to the Cabinet of the Bahamas, motivation in any job is extremely important. Something must be done to Show appreciation to our Nurses. They are hardworking, dedicated and should be better compensated for the extraordinary work that they do. We need nurses and if we are going to keep our nurses and make the field attractive to bring more nurses, then we must do so. Let us not tarry about the those that are already well off and travel and attend speaking engagements. Rather let us focus on those that work tirelessly to provide care to those residing in and visiting The Bahamas.

To Dr Issacs, Dr Lockhart, Dr Longley, Nurses Moxey, Farrington, Edwards and Johnson and the entire staff at Male Medical two, I thank you a million times for your amazing professional service, for your care and for your love that contributed to my swift recovery. Again, thank you!



December 11, 2017.


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