Beyond the VAT

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE explanation that Minister Halkitis gives for “ where da VAT money gone” may be adequate for the audience he addressed at the PLP convention, but his dismal attempt to sell that snowball to a listening public deserves all of the heat that it is getting.

Perhaps it was not supposed to get this far, but now he has brought up another question, “How smart are the PLPs who are supposed to have sense?”

He should have kept his mouth shut, if he was not prepared to inform the taxpayers about their money, but I digress, he did say that he was speaking to a particular audience.

Even the person who holds the official office of Minister of Finance would have been careful about speaking about the VAT money, but then maybe not; as that minister attempted to do a comparison between himself and the first Prime Minister of this nation; he even stated that he wants to go beyond Pindling.

Exactly what that means has many Bahamians questioning the current Prime Minister’s sanity. The only thing that he can go beyond the first Prime Minister is the time he has spent as an elected member, there is nothing else he can do or has shown us the ability to do. 

Maybe he has been holding back on us as far as his abilities are concerned, perhaps he can take a shot at telling us where the VAT money went and clear up the mess that his junior minister has made.




January 31, 2017.


happyfly 7 years, 3 months ago

Minister Halkitis made it clear in his radio interview. When he made his speech at the PLP convention, he did not consider the attendants educated or smart enough to challenge his nonsense.....and that the educated, smart people not at the PLP convention, should have understood that and not taken his nonsense too literally.


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