Martial law, spy capabilities

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Re: Police Uneasy At Move To Call In RBDF In Crime Fight.

The Tribune, February 24, 2017.

MARTIAL law, combined with NIA & Intercept/Spy capabilities, might well be useful in fighting crime.

However, it could also increase the power of certain unethical politicians who seem to have little respect for privacy and the courts.

Further power enhancement could be achieved with an eventual introduction of covert neighbourhood informers who are secretly on the government payroll ---- of course, this would be under the guise of providing jobs.



February 26, 2017.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 2 months ago

The spy bill is just another shining example of Crooked Christie and Allyson Maynard-Gibson a/k/a the Evil Wicked Witch seeking to trample all over our constitutional rights by suppressing freedom of speech through intimidation and throwing our God-given right to privacy out the window. Small wonder that governments all over the world were aghast upon seeing pictures and/or video of Crooked Christie's recent vulgar middle finger gesture aimed at the almight God above. One can only imagine what the Queen must have thought when she saw Crooked Christie's display of that most unbecoming kind vulgarity. What will this deranged thug do next? Will he next unzip his pants and wave his ding-a-ling at us while attempting to pee on those of us who speak out against him?! And the fact that his cabinet ministers and all sitting MPs (no matter what their party affiliation) have not called for his resignation is appalling in and of itself and tantamount to each of them endorsing Crooked Christie's shamefully despicable lude conduct in front of the whole world.


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