Tribune is out of touch

EDITOR, TheTribune.

I’m not sure what happened, but it seems as if The Tribune is a bit out of touch with the sentiment of the public lately. For example, what on earth was with their headline on Thursday?

Whoever chose “Minister of Pain” as the title for a story about Minnis’ budget cuts clearly has no idea about the mood of the Bahamian people today.

The vast majority of us rejoiced at Minnis’ announcement that there would be no more public service hiring, as we know full well that ranks were swollen beyond belief and decency with PLP cronies under Perry Christie’s reign.

We shouted “hallelujah!” to the revelation that 10% spending would be slashed from every ministry, as we know that record wastage and pilferage of public funds was the order of the day over the past five years. And we are tired of being robbed, tired of being humiliated and downgraded by the international community.

Enough! we say, and Minnis has heard us. In fact, the only problem most Bahamians have with Minnis’ cuts is that they did not go far enough!

Don’t believe me? Just check the comments under The Tribune’s own online story – dozens of readers who are either questioning the headline, praising Minnis and urging him to go further, or both.



July 27, 2017


Porcupine 6 years, 9 months ago

Right you are ESSY. Thanks for pointing this out.


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