The coronation of Wayne Munroe, QC

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE Progressive Liberal Party has now selected Barrister Wayne Munroe, QC, as our standard bearer in the newly renamed and revamped constituency of Free Town. He will be going up against Dionysus D’Aguilar (FNM), a well known and highly respected businessman who brings a no nonsense attitude to the political arena.

Free Town, of which Kemp Road and Five Pond Lot Subdivision form a key component in our anticipated victory. Over in Blair; Johnson Road and other eastern demarcations of this fabled constituency, is where the PLP will face its most severe challenges. Dionysus is a people’s person and has a gung-ho approach to identifying problems and coming up with solutions Wayne, as a trained lawyer, is more reserved and one who appears to want to dissect each and every problem to death, as he is trained to do.

The Hon Frank Smith waged a ferocious and determined political battle while seeking to obtain our party’s political coronation, for that is what it will be tantamount to.

If Munroe were to lose Free Town, the national chances of the PLP would be badly damaged and a clear message sent to us.

In hindsight, rehashing the debacle of Messrs Renward ‘letter of Intent’ Wells; Gregory ‘Moon Beam’ Moss and Andres ‘3000’ Rollins, I would have gone with another choice.

The party, however, is paramount when it comes to our internal politics.

Munroe, however, has been selected and we must gather the proverbial wagons around him.

Munroe is warned, however, that he must bring something different to the table, as I fully expect, once we are returned to office, he will be appointed to the cabinet. Alfred Sears and Munroe are two of the principal attorneys who represented the web shops during the licensing and regulatory process. Sears acted for FML and Munroe for Island Luck, et al. Is it coincidental that they are now both candidates for the PLP?

The PLP has its work cut out for it. We have failed the expectations of the people in many areas and have failed, miserably, to properly brand our core message and too many of our current representatives have grown too smug and missing in action.

We must all rise to the occasion and get on with wiping away the tears from every eye; bring sight to the blind; feed the hungry; clothe the naked and, of course, set the captives free. Wayne Munroe will and must play a vital and pivotal role in our long march forward. To God then, in all things, be the glory.



March 13, 2017.


themessenger 7 years, 1 month ago

''wiping away the tears from every eye; bring sight to the blind; feed the hungry; clothe the naked and, of course, set the captives free.'' Brother Bodie, your party has brought more tears, more hunger and made more people naked in the last four years than in living memory and the only blind that need sight are those, like yourself, blinded by PLP spin. As for setting the captives free you needn't look further than your own party to find the new slave masters. Free ya mind bro and ya ass will surely follow.


realfreethinker 7 years, 1 month ago

lol man messenger I love it. Couldn't have said it better


Honestman 7 years, 1 month ago

Typical Bullsh#t from the pious Ortland Bodie.


sheeprunner12 7 years, 1 month ago

Poetic Justice for the PLP ............. Munroe is not even a PLP!!!!!!!!!


hallmark 7 years, 1 month ago

So now we understand why they fight so hard for Munroe to get nominated. It seems as if Christie had to yield to his bosses the numbers boys.


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