Health inspectors to probe Chinese restaurant after alarming video of worker goes viral


Tribune Staff Reporter


A health inspector has been assigned to investigate the alleged collection of “gutter oil” from a puddle by an unknown worker allegedly from a Chinese restaurant in New Providence, according to officials from the Department of Environmental Health Services.

A video of the incident has gone viral on social media since Wednesday, showing a man alleged to be a worker at the Chinese restaurant in question caught on camera using a large spoon to scoop what appears to be a puddle of refuse into a large, yellow container.

Although the reasons for him doing so have not been confirmed, his actions have already been linked by some observers to the illegal Chinese practice of collecting “gutter oil” — an illicit cooking oil that has been recycled from waste oil collected from sources such as restaurant fryers, grease traps, slaughterhouse waste and sewerage from sewer drains.

Senior officials at the DEHS told The Tribune that all information pertaining to the alleged incident has been forwarded to the department’s Health Inspectorate, and that the initial complaint will be forwarded to its Complaints Unit.

One senior official has pegged the alleged incident as being an “urgent matter” for officials. However, attempts to get further information about the investigation from DEHS officials were unsuccessful up to press time.

Still, the incident in question has gained significant traction on social media.


ccthemusicman 7 years ago

I was a chinese food lover and I admit to eating chinese food a lot. However after watching that video and doing some research on this 'gutter oil' I was very shocked and motionless for 5 mins. I vow to never support or eat chinese food never in my life again. It created the feeling that you cannot trust these chinese people and their food. I wish that the health inspectors investigate all the chinese restaurants in the Bahamas and shutdown these restaurants and arrest anyone found to be using that disgusting oil.


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