Border insecurity

EDITOR, The Tribune.

250 illegal migrants land near Albany in vicinity of HMBS Coral Harbour.

On top of the Auditor General’s comments last week on the RBDF not a good week for our navy folks.

Clearly yet again our $240m best in the region Navy-Coast Guard messed up and messed up big time.These Haitian sloops sail under God’s wind and good navigating.

Passed Inagua - into Exumas - up across the banks to Nassau and right towards the HMBS Coral Harbour base of the RBDF! No one saw them... not the RBDF tower observer near Yamacraw, no one... no reports from the public and the numerous private boats and yachts that sail up and down through the Exumas.

Clearly there is a problem. Are RBDF patrols being cut back because it is so expensive to run these diesel powered patrol crafts? Do we have the patrol craft in the wrong places? Editor - something is seriously adrift here.

On this given weekend how many RBDF 60 meter craft were at sea on patrol?

How many RBDF craft were on patrol around New Providence?

No one at HMBS Coral Harbour saw the sloop sailing in their direction? Do the observation towers have night goggles?

The Minister of National Security and his counter part at Immigration need to explain and explain fast. Our borders are totally insecure.



November 13, 2017.


VDSheep 6 years, 4 months ago

Give the RBDF DRONES to monitor the Bahamas!


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