No 'quick fix' for fishing industry post Irma


Tribune Business Reporter


BAHAMIAN fishermen are in the process of 'quantifying their losses' and take advantage of the exigency order issued earlier this month, the Bahamas Commercial Fisher Alliance (BCFA) president told The Tribune yesterday warning their post Hurricane Irma recovery was 'not an overnight fix'.

Adrian LaRoda said the exigency order issued earlier this month would be a big help to Bahamian fishermen impacted by Irma, particularly those in the southern Bahamas.

"Right now a lot of fishermen I have spoken to, particularly those out of Spanish Wells are trying to quantify their losses right now to see if they an take advantage of the exigency order," he said.

"We expect that they would have information to take steps to take advantage of the order so that they can attempt to get things back to normal. It's going to take a while maybe a couple weeks or months to recover what they have lost. It's not an overnight fix. Fishermen particularly in the southern Bahamas were dealt a very serious blow."

Earlier this month the government issued an exigency order on a number of items for people in the fishing industry impacted by Irma. The list of approved duty-free goods includes materials used for the construction of fishing traps and condos.

The order is valid for a sixth-month period (180 days), ending March 26, 2018 and is open to an extension if specified by the minister of finance. Applications in respect of goods people claim to have lost have to be certified by the director of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

Mr LaRoda told Tribune Business: "The exigency order will go a bit further to help persons who would have had lost assets not covered by duty the fee exemption. Traps are normally covered but the materials for the reconstruction of condos will most likely fall under the exigency order. It will be a big help to local fishermen, it's just a matter of how long it takes to get back up and running."

Mr LaRoda said it is still too early to quantify the financial impact Irma had on the 2017/2018 crawfish season.


Giordano 6 years, 6 months ago

All people traps without a contingency plan to recover in a more equitable,fearly and reasonable way. Rather than Trapping the Crawfish & Grouppa,we end trapping ourselves in this mess with little sympathy. Somebody tell me where is "The Cookie Drump" we lost during the past administration,that was before and after the hurricane. Let's enforce the existence order there too.


Giordano 6 years, 6 months ago

All people traps without a contingency plan to recover in a more equitable,fearly and reasonable way. Rather than Trapping the Crawfish & Grouppa,we end trapping ourselves in this mess with little sympathy. Somebody tell me where is "The Cookie Drump" we lost during the past administration,that was before and after the hurricane. Let's enforce the exigency orderetence order there too.


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