We lead by example


Social media has changed how we communicate. You can send an e-mail across the world and the recipient receives it in seconds. We have video calling where you can see the person you are talking to. We are in chat groups where we talk to numerous people all at one time.

As wonderful a tool social media is, we as humans beings will unfortunately find a negative use for it. We have become junkies of social media. So much so that we are now addicted to our devices, in particular, our cell phones. You can be in the company of friends and family and some people act as if they will die if they don't have their phones in their faces.

I asked myself, what did we do when we didn't have smart devices? I am of the opinion that it is rude to be in the company of others and be glued to your phone as if you are by yourself. We have literally let these devices control our lives. I am concerned that we are rapidly losing the human touch. Yes, they do hold an enormous amount of information in our hands, but we can allow ourselves to become disengaged from one another.

What is a real pet peeve for me is seeing ministers of the gospel on the pulpit on their mobile device and completely ignoring the congregation. Yes, they can be using an Bible app, but from what I've witnessed, it's more than the Bible app being used.

I think it's a bit much when you as a minister come off the pulpit to receive a phone call. Am I being critical? Yes, I am. And I do not only speak to you, but this is for me as well.

As a youth leader it is very challenging maintain the attention of young people. I am competing with cell phones and social media. Parents and guardians, when your children see you use your cell phone at an inappropriate time, they will do it as well.

Parents and guardians, we have to lead by example. I am not talking about urgent situations, no. I'm talking about being completely distracted with a cell phone, especially in church and on the pulpit. I know we are a busy generation, but we have to monitor what we do, especially in front of our children.

Growing up, we were given good examples, so we must do the same for our children. We have to lead by example. The Bible encourages us and we are to train up a child in the way he or she should go, and when he or she is old they will not depart from it.


rs74324 6 years, 1 month ago

Hello, I am looking to cite this source in an annotated bibliography for a class assignment. Is it possible for someone to tell me which page/section this can be find?


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