How about a Cursillo weekend?


A Cursillo weekend is a retreat from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon. It is a unique approach to Christian living in that presentations are largely by lay individuals. They share their walk in life through a series of informal talks and discussions. To facilitate relaxed and personal conversation, men's and women's Cursillo weekends are held separately.

In addition to talks and discussions, liturgy, prayer, sacraments, and music provide an opportunity to reflect on values and goals as Christians.

The weekend is also filled with fabulous food and incredible humour as we celebrate our Christian life.

It is not easy to describe what goes on during the three days of the Cursillo.

This is not a simple way out, but rather, is based on an understanding that the printed word is often a poor medium to communicate experience.

For example, a stained glass window seen from outside appears dull and lacklustre. From the inside, however, the impression is entirely different, and the beauty, which was not apparent from outside, now fills our senses. We can attempt to describe what we see and feel, but this second-hand experience is very far from the real thing.

This is somewhat akin to the Cursillo experience, which can be described but which must be lived to be appreciated..

There is more, much more. The Cursillo experience is fundamentally mysterious because it deals with the most fundamental of all mysteries, which is God.

Each of us sees the Cursillo through individual eyes and experiences it through the different lenses of our life experiences. Through these filters God's grace makes its own, unique and unexplainable way to our hearts

Finally, there is a much more mundane reason for not wishing to divulge the entire contents of the weekend. There are a few surprises along the way - pleasant surprises, which bring joy and spontaneity to the experience.

These testimonies and exchanges are intermingled with songs, laughter, breaks and moments of prayer. The atmosphere is one of warmth, fraternity or sorority and respect and before we know it, it is over.

It is not uncommon to see people arrive on Thursday night, dragging their feet, worried about what will happen and wondering why they are there. If their hearts are open, just slightly ajar, they leave after the weekend having experienced the mystery that is God and with a different outlook on life.

As one person put it: "Cursillo has put my faith into action…getting myself out of the middle of my little universe, becoming more present, actively experiencing God's love and passing it on in service to others."

Others had this to say about their experience:

"What I found most meaningful was the ecumenical spirit that prevailed throughout the weekend, which brought us not only closer to God, but to each other by focusing on the beliefs we all have in common rather than on our differences."

"Years after turning my back on the Church, I made a Cursillo. After my Cursillo, I embraced my faith again. The experience of a Cursillo weekend has brought back many to their Christian faith and given them a chance to pass this gift on to many more."

"I was not sure what I was getting into and frankly was very nervous about being with a bunch of church fanatics for a three-day weekend. Well, the structure, group dynamics, and overall love that poured out from all who participated was just an awesome experience. I received a greater appreciation for how much Jesus loves me and how forgiving he can be."

Many have found that, after a Cursillo weekend, the friendships that they have made continue on, and prove to be lasting and genuine.

The Cursillo weekend is not a retreat in the sense that there is no fasting. It is a retreat in that it is a time away from daily activities, commitments to family and your job, so you can concentrate on where you are in your spiritual life. The weekend is an opportunity focus and realign oneself spiritually. It is also an opportunity to meet clergy and laity who are seeking to strengthen their faith. It provides an opportunity through shared prayer, worship, study, fellowship, laughter, tears, and love to experience the reality of the gift of God's love freely and unconditionally given.

How and where did Cursillo begin?

The first Cursillo weekends were developed in the Roman Catholic Church in Majorca, Spain, as a way of bringing men into active involvement in the church. Cursillo was brought to the United States by Spanish airmen who were stationed at air bases in Texas in the early 1940s. The first official Cursillo weekend in the Episcopal Church (in English) was conducted with help from Roman Catholic sponsors in the Diocese of Iowa. Anglican/Episcopal Cursillo came to Bahamas in 1986 and operates under the direction of the Bishop of the Diocese of the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Cursillo is open to all adult Anglicans, men and women, married or single. Laity and clergy alike are invited to join the fellowship, participate in weekends and in the life of service that takes place after the weekend. Husbands and wives may attend Cursillo weekends, though usually the husband goes to a weekend and the wife attends another at a later date.

What is expected of candidates?

• To be open and willing to respond to what you experience

• To share your feelings with others

• To allow others to share their feelings with you

• To make a genuine effort to discover where you are and where or how you can grow in your Christian life

• To feel secure in the knowledge that you are accepted where you are and as you are, and to know that a specific response is not expected of you

• To be curious enough and thirsty enough for spiritual exploration and nourishment to acknowledge a need to commit a weekend of your life totally to Christ.

Cursillo is probably not advisable for those who have not already committed themselves to Jesus or for those undergoing serious doubts regarding faith. The Cursillo movement is not designed to promote a basic commitment to Christ and the Gospel. Rather, it is designed to help those who are already committed to enhance that commitment and to bring their lives into line with the Gospels and to live the gospels on a daily basis within a community of committed Christians.

How do I apply for a Cursillo weekend?

You will need first and foremost the approval of your parish priest or rector. You also need a sponsor (someone who has previously attended a Cursillo weekend and a Fourth Day workshop, and who has been actively involved in the Cursillo Movement for at least six months). You will need to submit a candidate application. Your parish priest can help you find a potential sponsor or at least someone who has attended a weekend and they will help you find an application form. Each church has a parish representative who can be found by writing to the Cursillo Office at rmw44@hotmail.com or by contacting me, Rodney Williams, by phone or WhatsApp 427-3269.

Pray about attending a Cursillo weekend. You will never regret it. A men's weekend is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 31, to Sunday afternoon, June 3. A women's weekend will be held in October. It is never too early to apply.


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