Government shouldn't have to bail out sporting events

EDITOR, The Tribune

The promo for the American Football Bowl - Nassau is laughable…as the American gives praises on praises behind him, the video shows precisely why this event should have been cancelled - the bleaches are totally empty.

Why is tourism wasting, when we are told we have few funds?

IAAF Relays was cancelled - correct decision; American Football Bowl kept - wrong decision. It should have also been cancelled.

No sporting event, especially international, should be allowed, unless the promoters have the funds upfront…too many times the government has to bail those events costing thousands.

Has MOT collected from the International Musik Festival as yet?



October 27, 2018


sheeprunner12 5 years, 6 months ago

The madness of the Roman Emperors still exist ........... Perry and Danny put all of us in this stew


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