Recognising our nation builders

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Summer is over and now it is back to the grind for students and teachers who will be stepping back into the classroom.

It is with great pleasure I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all of the hard working folks who have unselfishly dedicated their lives to serving our children. These nation builders have put their personal lives and in many cases that of their families on the back burner to take care of our children from morning to afternoon five days a week in the classrooms. But their commitment does not stop after the bell rings because they now have to take their work home with them. Working throughout the evening and late at night long after their families have gone to bed and in many cases use their own meagre finances to enhance their students performance.

A sincere, heartfelt thank you to all of our teachers who have made it a priority to dedicate their lives to saving our children. I join the nation in extending our appreciation and admiration for all that you do. The minister of education Mr Jeffrey Lloyd in his address to the teachers reminded them that their choice of vocation was not an easy road and in most cases they will have to dig deep to persevere for the race is not for the swiftest, but to those that endure to the end.

As the new school year unfolds I pray for strength, compassion and endurance for you as you mentor those who have been entrusted into your care. I also pray that our parents and guardians will show their appreciation and gratitude for all the sacrifices you are making for our children and for a better world.

Once again God bless you amazing folks who have dedicated your lives to serving our children, from administrators to teachers and staff support. A special thank you to our janitors and our securities who have the unenviable humongous task of keeping our schools clean, and safe.

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago” – Warren Buffet.



August 23, 2019.


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