Strike demands

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Re: Little sympathy for doctors’ demands. The Tribune, Editorial August 26, 2019.

IT was sickening to read about the bizarre secondary demands of the striking Junior Doctors.

Very few people would begrudge them reasonable, timely pay and living conditions. However, shamelessly demanding additional outrageous “entitlements” involving car and property taxes etc, demonstrates that many physicians may be well trained these days, but they are often alarmingly out of touch and uneducated.

They may have absorbed the science of medicine, but it’s doubtful that these Junior Doctors ever understood the art of medicine.

The ‘grabilicious’ demands are not only ridiculous, from a tactical point of view they are just plain dumb. The ludicrous demands reveal an arrogant attitude of self-importance which is downright scary - sort of an Hypocritic Oath!

Hopefully, they will learn better as time goes on (a smidgen of humility might also help). They, their families, friends and patients can then be suitably proud of them and impressed with their accomplishments.



August 27, 2019.


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