Time to decide where we want to be heading

EDITOR, The Tribune

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines progress as a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal): Advance or gradual betterment especially: the progressive development of humankind. Factories have been instrumental in modernisation and delivering technological advance to all societies. Whether Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, dictatorship or democracy the factory has delivered all our appliances, vehicles, electronics, medical equipment and many other advances that define modernity and have improved the quality of life of billions. Nothing is perfect therefore everything has benefits and drawbacks. Has the cost of modernity been too high for mankind’s long term survival?

One of the major contributors to global warming are factories. They release greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Global warming and other environmental degradation presents an existential threat to human survival. I am not saying to stop using factories to merchandise, but we need to use technology to mitigate the environmental damage. This can be done, but profit will be lowered so it will not be done.

The other aspect of worshipping big business is the huge tax breaks big companies (factories) get when they come to developing countries like the Bahamas. They will eventually leave after they have exhausted our resources. Will helping local entrepreneurs be a better model? That’s what south Korea, Japan and China did.

Let’s engage in discussion on what progress is for the Bahamas. What is the Bahamas’ goal or final destination?



November 26, 2019


TheMadHatter 4 years, 4 months ago

Sounds like somebody has been visiting yang2020 dot com. Good talking points.
Andrew Yang will be the next President of the United States. Election coming in November, stay tuned.


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