Too much secrecy

EDITOR, The Tribune

No sensible Bahamian who is politically tuned believed for one minute that the recent Motion of No Confidence brought by the Leader of the New Deal Progressive Liberal Party, the Hon Philip ‘Brave’ Davis, QC, MP (PLP-Cat Island) against the Most Honorable Prime Minister. With the absolute majority that the FNM has it was doomed to fail. It did not really fail, however, as the duplicity of the PM, politically, relative to the negotiations for the leasing of space for the General Post Office at the Town Centre Mall, was exposed as naked as a new born baby.

We all conceded that a new location was necessary for the relocation. No problem. In fact, in hindsight, the current location is ideal. The problem comes in when Brent Symonette (FNM-St Anne’s) blurted out that the PM had, in fact, telephoned him from New York while he, Symonette, was in Mexico to discuss minute details and terms of the proposed lease for the relocation. This is after Minnis told the House that he had no direct input in the negotiations.

I had high hopes, not induced by marijuana, that this regime and its leaders had good intentions and that they would be accountable; transparent and fiscally responsible. So far, none of these traits have been demonstrated in a positive way. Instead they appear to operate in secret; slight of hand, politically, and, for sure they do not ever tell us anything about their real intentions or what they are, in fact, about to do. In opposition they all cussed out Christie and the old PLP, as they were right to do. Now, in office, they make the old PLP look like saints.

Yes, the Most Honorable and Renward Wells were able to turn the motion around but that is all right. They won the political battle, for now, but, more than likely, they will lose the overall war. The average Bahamian has long ceased to feel the Most Honorable and the FNM regime. It ain’t long now. To God then, in all things, be the glory.



December 12, 2019


Sickened 4 years, 4 months ago

If the FNM lose the war then ALL Bahamians lose the war. The FNM may not be great or ideal but Jesus himself knows that the FNM is the only thing keeping the country on some sort of stable footing. The PLP would surely further destabilize this country with their modus operandi of debt and graft.


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 4 months ago

You're truly delusional if you sincerely believe the corrupt Minnis-led government is keeping our country on some sort of stable footing. A country led in the main by corrupt imbeciles who only know how to borrow and tax when they are not preoccupied cutting their own side-deals is destined to quickly become a failed state.


TheMadHatter 4 years, 4 months ago

Mr. Bodie - it ain't long now? Not long for what? For PLP to be restored to power? What good would that do to a country who just tossed them out on their butts, only leaving 4 seats? They have suddenly turned into angels (or Saints as you suggest)?

You want to know about fiscal responsibility and where the money gone? Ask the leader of those "saints" you refer to - Mr. "Brave" Davis to please be brave enough to perform his duties as Chairman of the PAC (Public Accounts Committee) - and DEMAND an unveiling of the finances of this government since May 2017. WHERE HAS THE VAT MONEY GONE which was collected so far under the FNM's reign? Mr. Davis has the power to find out. Why is he not using his power?

Why did it take the resignation of Chipman to even bring attention to this issue? AND why has the issue just as quickly been swept once again under the rug?


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