Cabinet Office announces new director of communications


Erica Wells Cox

Erica Wells Cox has been appointed director of communications in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). She will be responsible for the overall coordination and management of strategic communications within OPM, including the coordination of communications for the Minnis administration.

Ms Wells will liaise and coordinate with other communications officials within government, including the press secretary in the OPM, the Bahamas Information Services and other communications officers across government, as well as with external communications consultants.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis noted that the appointment of Ms Wells is part of the government’s ongoing programme to communicate with the Bahamian people through the full range of communication platforms and media.

Dr Minnis said: “Ms Wells has many years of experience. She is highly respected for her professional judgment, integrity and impressive skill-sets. There will also be other important efforts to strengthen public communications and citizen engagement, including across social media.”

Ms Wells has more than 20 years’ experience working across print, broadcast, digital and online platforms. She began her career as a reporter at The Tribune and has served in senior editorial positions at The Tribune and Nassau Guardian, as news editor and managing editor respectively.

She served as managing editor of the Bahamas Handbook for four years, and communications consultant for the government’s citizen security and justice programme.

She has also written for the New York Times and the Associated Press, and has contributed to BBC Caribbean and The Times of London newspaper. Ms Wells has a BA in English from the University of Western Ontario and a MA in international journalism from City University, London.


TheMadHatter 5 years, 4 months ago

Thank God. They needed somebody good in this position from day one. It has been a bumbling nightmare.

I offered for the post - but they said i was quote "too wacky" ... LOL


TalRussell 5 years, 4 months ago

Yes, or no - me congratulations comrade Erica cause she goin need muster all luck ideal with PM's tenth draft choice become he communications director - Acee.


John 5 years, 3 months ago

So does she replace Anthony Newbold


DDK 5 years, 3 months ago

Was wondering the same thing. Payroll increasing by leaps and bounds in these times of austerity! Seems to be another unnecessary post, no offense to Ms. Cox.


TalRussell 5 years, 3 months ago

Yes, or no - with addition new propaganda face comrade sister Erica, it simply means instead of the PM be surrounded with 40 propagandists - he goin' now have 41 to peddle the faked signatory OBAN, and purchase beleaguered Grand Lucayan Hotel. Yes, no can't wait comrade Erica, come out gate to explain the 100 cases opened and unopened rolls toilet paper repossessed the hotel's seller for Whampoa price of $65 million plus another $50 million required extensive repairs that really needs be bulldozed.


TalRussell 5 years, 3 months ago

Yes, or no fly on wall in PMO's first official conversation between PeoplesPublicPurse's new chief propagandist hire Erica and PM. But comrade rt. honourable PM, you can't say that because its not true. Yes, no - truth be second casualty vocabulary hire Erica, right after "Acee." { There's no making this up - yes, no? }


birdiestrachan 5 years, 3 months ago

She will not be able to save doc from himself. The way I see it is more tax payers money gone to the wind. Poor people are suffering. How will doc address that?


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