Company aims to spark connections between Bahamian, Chinese businesses


A NEW trip offering by Bahamaren Limited promises Bahamian entrepreneurs a full immersion into the entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese business environment.

The company seeks to spark entrepreneurial connections between Bahamian and Chinese businesses, and hopefully build lasting networks for new ventures between the two countries.

The trip is from October 19 to 29, and will include a business lecture organized with the Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce on how to do business in China as an entrepreneur.

"Our team hopes that those who make the investment in our trip see the value of enjoying a lot of insights from travelling and seeing firsthand the future of technology, drone innovation, block chain technology, and consumer goods," according to a press statement.

"Travelling as a means of learning plays an important developmental role in becoming a better entrepreneur."

Latrae Rahming, Bahamaren Managing Director, said the Canton Fair and Shenzhen 10 Days entrepreneurial trip isn't free, but is an investment Bahamians should consider because it is aimed to help Bahamians find opportunities.

Mr Rahming said: "The trip is designed under the consideration that we are helping people find different opportunities in difficult times. I think that China presents unique opportunities for Bahamians to capitalise on particularly young Bahamians. I think we as well should challenge ourselves for new innovative ways to make money."

The statement continued: "The group will visit companies in Guangzhou as a part of their networking experience and more. Additionally, the trip will include entrepreneur speed dating - a speed date with Chinese companies. This event is dedicated to introducing entrepreneurs to Chinese companies.

Participants in the speed dating event will be able to present their business interests in ten-minute sessions with each representative from a Chinese company.

"The final visit will be in Shenzhen, 'China's Silicon Valley', the city of entrepreneurs and the world’s latest tech innovations," the statement added.

The trip details will be released mid-February and interested persons can check their website, Bahamaren.com, or their social media pages, bahamarenconsultancy on Instagram and Bahamaren Limited on Facebook, for updates.


Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 3 months ago

Just another tool used by Red China from its big box of tried and tested brain-washing techniques designed to ingratiate themselves in every aspect of our economy for their own benefit. They want more than anything else for us to sign on to the WTO and have been kissing both Minnis's and Laing's butt at every opportunity. And when it comes to dealings of any kind with the oppressive Red China regime, nothing is ever mutually beneficial. Red China's needs always come first, and for them all else is very much secondary if it matters at all. They are experts at cultivating relationships with individuals in other societies who can help further their more insidious aims and goals, usually done by indoctrination of the more vulnerable or by just outrightly bribing government representatives. The sooner we understand that, the better.


Gotoutintime 5 years, 3 months ago

Anyone getting involved with this venture is crazy---Run away as fast as you can!


BahamaPundit 5 years, 3 months ago

I've tried so many times to warn about doing business with the Chinese Government, but money talks louder to Bahamian politician ears. How can a constitutionally defined "Christian Nation" be gunning and horny to do business with a country that locks up Christians and pulls down churches. How can we fathom doing business with a country that has concentration camps with hundreds of thousands locked up and tortured based on their religion. It simply doesn't make sense how Bahamians could still want to walk into the same trap that every other "debt trapped" country has told them about. We really don't deserve The Bahamas.


sealice 5 years, 3 months ago

they kidnapping Canadians and Americans now.... are they trying to add some Bahamians to the mix? A little more caribbean prisoner flair??


TheMadHatter 5 years, 3 months ago

Wow. Just when i thought this government couldn't think of anything stupider to do than all it's already done. Wow. Did they hire a foreign consulting firm and pay them a hundred thousand dollars and instruct them saying "Please advise us on what now in Jan 2019 is the VERY STUPIDEST thing we can do?"

If so, that firm deserves to be paid in full.


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