We need more male principals in education

EDITOR, The Tribune

How many male principals do we have in our junior and senior schools today? The answer is too few. I have worked in education for many years and I have come to realise that we need more men in the junior and senior schools. This is not a sexist comment. It is simply a fact. I am a woman and I can see that the discipline in many schools at these levels are terrible. The majority of these schools are in inner city areas where many students are in gangs and where many of the young men and even young women live in a world where men are rarely seen.

Many of these students have little respect for women and do not see them as authority figures. I have seen the way a male student reacts differently when spoken to by a male by comparison to a female. There can be no learning in schools where there is no discipline. The Ministry of Education needs to increase the ratio of male to females in the administration of our schools and more of our inner city junior and senior schools need male principals. The males chosen need to be those who are serious about discipline and learning taking place in our schools. Promote the effective males. Move them up and skip a level if you have to. We must get our schools in order.

The principal of R M Bailey should be commended. He is an excellent example of a principal who turned a school around. Everyone who knows him knows that he is serious about discipline and learning. We need males with that kind of mindset, not those who are slack and have no standards.

Students learn about discipline and boundaries in school first. This is important so when they come out into society they will know how to conduct themselves. I hope and pray that this issue is addressed and changes are made for the new school year.



July 18, 2019


sheeprunner12 4 years, 9 months ago

It makes little difference whether the principal is a male or female ....... tell Zelma Dean, Iris Pinder, and the founding principal of CV Bethel that ........ some males run schools for business opportunities .......... But better PSC vetting of the candidates will help, rather than promoting "friends, family and lovers" to run public schools.


TheMadHatter 4 years, 9 months ago

If there were any such males in our society - they would be at home already, married to all these single mothers, and raising their own boys. There are none. There are only sperm donors. Gangs are the result, where young men congregate around their own "father figures" - ie. the gang leaders. Ladies? You want to have a baby gang member? Refuse to have that abortion after Andre knocks you up before yall ever even talk about any marriage. No abortion? Go ahead then, have that baby for Andre. Then he gonna have to pay you that required $25/week. Yes. twenty-five. That is the standard. You gonna "work" 9 months for that??? You can make much more in one hour at the club and not have to listen to his mouth, nor get boxed cross yours.


geostorm 4 years, 9 months ago

The Ministry of Education, should not promote male teachers because of their gender, but should promote men because of their leadership and other qualities which meet the prerequisite for successful candidacy for higher positions.

I do agree that more male figures are needed in positions of leaderships at the school level, but they must be qualified.


Sickened 4 years, 9 months ago

Excellent point; which is so often overlooked.


DWW 4 years, 9 months ago

Sadly, or maybe happily - women run tings in dis country. accept it deal with it, move on. Next.


DDK 4 years, 9 months ago

ADVOCATE FOR CHANGE makes a good point, I believe, because males DO generally have more respect for males, arguably not right, but that's the way it is............


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