We have to plan if we want equal pay

EDITOR, The Tribune

Is Article 26 of The Constitution concerning discrimination constantly being abused?

It says - no discrimination.

I perceive, if taken to the fullest correct legal interpretation, Associations – unions, groups – that allow only one gender are Constitutionally illegal and need to be disestablished immediately. Editor, this also covers churches and lodges.

Women’s desks in ministries have to go as men and women are 100 percent equal under the Constitution.

Time, we stopped this shame and play. There should be no Woman of the Year Awards, Top Businesswoman of the Year, etc, etc.

Do we ever have Men’s Week? Are there Men’s Desks in ministries?

Yes, equal wages need to happen, but not in an instant. We have to plan in five to eight years for equality in pay to happen. That’s the law, The Constitution.



March 2, 2019


Sickened 5 years, 1 month ago

No more Women and Men bathrooms either? What about the sports field? Do we need to now build Transgender bathrooms? This world is becoming unrecognizable? Men aren't necessarily Men anymore. People can identify with whatever gender they want on any given day. Men competing as women in sports. This is all becoming too much! Children must confused as hell about gender. Soon to come - genderless people and their rights.


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