Keep politicians in the pew

EDITOR, The Tribune

The politician’s place in a church is in the pew - time and time again, successive Prime Ministers-Governments accept invitations to speak at Church Conventions - wrong actually very wrong and politically stupid.

As if the politician didn’t know at least 50% of the people in the pews hate the hell out of you and all you do by speaking is to aggravate their position of opposing the party in office.

Bishop Wallace’s church, the good Bishop well known as an FNM supporter - Pastor to the Prison seemingly PM sent out a directive all Cabinet and as many FNM MP’s must attend… they were lined off!

You know more and more, many more people are realising that the FNM did not win 2017 on merit, but totally by accident.

We must keep the politicians in the pew - it is God’s house, not the House of Assembly.

Tired of this practice - Pindling was wrong using it - Christie was wrong and Minnis is wrong…



May 1, 2019


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