It's a question of tenders

EDITOR, The Tribune

All procurement tenders or RFP’s are controlled by the Financial Secretary - whoever holds that position sits as Chair of the Tenders Board. Tenders Board overseas all tenders of Government.

The only time that possibly the press or public gets or may hear who bid for a Tender is to attend an opening of tenders usually on a Tuesday at Ministry of Finance – there is basically no transparency in the process.

This week a WhatsApp posting has been flying around Nassau – I received it from four different people the contents make serious accusations.

Financial Secretary can you as Chair of Tenders Board please confirm who bid for the following tenders…

1) Major contract at prison.

2) CCC TV said to be over $6m.

3) For Ministry of Education suspect tablets.

4) Road Traffic…programme upgrade

5) Customs - container scanner

6) Gunshot locator for Police

7) Marco Alert

8) Junkanoo beach management - development

9) Major Chicken Farm involving ‘00’s of acres Crown Land.

10) Contracts with PHA

The public awaits your response, Mr Financial Secretary, sorry “Acting”.



May 18, 2019


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