Archie Nairn, a consummate professional

EDITOR, The Tribune

I had the honour and pleasure of working with Archie Nairn, who was the Permanent Secretary of the Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Legal Affairs for the first few years of my second stint as Attorney-General and Minister.

PS Nairn was a consummate professional who spent most of his life in public service. He knew how to get things done. I always got his best advice, given respectfully, professionally, with a deep caring for Bahamians, especially those less fortunate and a desire for everyone to see the public service as giving first class service.

He loved God, and frequently led prayer when we started meetings. Never losing an opportunity to mentor and encourage, he would explain to team members why what we do in the public service is important, life impacting and always to be well done. Fostering teamwork, he frequently stressed that the public’s view of our service was important and not our view of ourselves.

I recall him looking forward to his retirement, acknowledging that he would miss the public service but most anxious to commence, full time, his call to Ministry. His beloved wife, Pauline, was right by his side, supporting him in this new phase of his life.

On one of our many flights to Freeport while speaking of his call to Ministry, he took out a dog eared book, The Principle of The Path, by Andy Stanley. He told me why it was an important book to him. I’ve never forgotten that conversation. It’s a book that I’ve recommended to many people since. As we face life changing challenges in The Bahamas, I encourage everyone to read this short and insightful book.

Thank you Permanent Secretary and Minister of the Gospel, Archie Nairn, for walking your path with spirituality, quiet dignity, love of humanity and patriotism.

Rest in peace.



August 3, 2020


tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

Maynard-Gibson just won't quit. I truly feel sorry for certain of the surviving family members of the deceased souls she so eagerly makes a point of associating herself with. It's as if she believes the goodness of the departed she speaks about will somehow rub off on her, or possibly erase some of the evil that her own life continues to exude.


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