Freezing toads unethical

EDITOR, The Tribune

I read your article about the authorities’ “battle” with cane toads and how they could be “humanely euthanised”. I was astonished to see the suggestion to put the live toads in plastic bags and freeze them. Globally, modern veterinary guidelines now rule that “cooling then freezing” is ethically unacceptable. The argument against “cooling then freezing” however rests upon a hypothesis rather than specific empirical data. The hypothesis is that temperatures low enough to induce ice-crystal formation in peripheral tissues are nonetheless high enough to allow painful sensations to travel through peripheral nerves and reach the brain, which in turn is warm enough to register those sensations as painful. The plausibility of this scenario depends upon the temperatures at which ice crystals form relative to the temperatures at which nerves and brains cease to function; and on the magnitude of thermal differentials within an animal’s body during rapid cooling. One can argue this hypothesis as there is no proof yet and the cane toads sitting in people’s freezers won’t tell.

In any event, any killing method of animals should be left to responsible persons and not published in a daily newspaper, especially in a country where most of the people are hysterical when they see a tiny frog sitting a mile away on a tree.




August 7, 2020.


joeblow 3 years, 8 months ago

In the age of COVID-19, rising death rates and unemployment and the near implosion of our economy, does anyone really care how a poisonous frog dies? Asking for a friend!


proudloudandfnm 3 years, 8 months ago

Just throw them into a fire. Done. We're talking about toads. Who cares how, just do it...


hrysippus 3 years, 8 months ago

Many people in this country care very little about animals. it probably says something about their character and maybe even the very high rate of murder and rape that the country also suffers from.


joeblow 3 years, 8 months ago

... so killing a frog or snake equates to being a rapist or murderer? Really? Some people like their pets more than they like humans!


hrysippus 3 years, 8 months ago

Hey JoeBlown; From my reading on the subject it seems clear that most sociopaths and psychopaths start out abusing animals long before they start hurting humans. If you do not care about animal suffering then i would think that you are less likely to care about the suffering of people. Not a fact but a reasonable supposition. And is there something wrong with caring for a family pet more than some human? There are plenty of evil people around that do not deserve anyone's care.


joeblow 3 years, 8 months ago

... and any number of aspiring sociopaths believe that some people do not deserve anyone's care!


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