Sorry language of the lockdown

EDITOR, The Tribune

“Enough is enough. Enough is enough stop running”. These were the words of a young woman whose voice reverberated throughout Windsor Park as she, along with a tumultuous crowd of protesters, marched this morning demanding their rights. As instructed, police officers handcuffed and transported protesters in buses and vans to be berated. These actions emerged after Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis announced a seven-day lockdown without giving “us” Bahamian citizens of New Providence adequate time to prepare for the lockdown. The unexpected lockdown desisted the operation of food stores, gas stations, and other essential services.

The comments and posts that flooded social media sites such as Facebook and Whatsapp connote that the Bahamian people are infuriated and had “Enough” with the government’s decisions and actions without hearing their voices. Some comments and posts led to contentions between users that were said to be “biased and unrealistic.” Many persons stated that they conform to the lockdown and other rules and regulations. However, having no time to prepare is unfair. A concerned mother of four shared her story with her Facebook friends. She mentioned that she is unemployed and fed up with the government and their decisions. She doesn’t have enough food in her household for the lockdown period.

In my opinion, and I will be very transparent about the situation. Let’s make it make sense, as my Bahamian people would say. I’m afraid I have to disagree with the abrupt lockdown because most persons were not prepared. We have many individuals trying their best to survive day by day and are not as fortunate as you, me, John, or Doe, who has the privilege of purchasing household goods in bulk. We must realise that people are hurting, depressed, and frustrated. Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard; your living condition and financial status cannot speak for everyone. Yes, the government, churches, and private institutions offer assistance to persons in need of help. Still, the reality is that not everyone will get support. We will all learn daily, but we should never judge a person’s actions or condition without walking in their shoes. We have to be wise about our thoughts and actions and not become distracted by the things that can destroy us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Prayer is the only answer to mitigate this issue.

We are a community, whether we like it or not. We are all in this together. Some of us may not like that, but the coronavirus doesn’t care. Let’s help and encourage each other daily! But most importantly, let’s pray for our country. Prayer is essential!



August 18, 2020.


joeblow 3 years, 8 months ago

Prayer is a wonderful thing, but removing idiots who make bad decisions is wonderful too!


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