Who's on Pointe duty?

EDITOR, The Tribune

The Pointe Heads of Agreement (HOA) was signed on June 18th, 2015 but held before being tabled on January 2nd, 2017 (election May, 2017) Article: 3 of HOA requires the developer to sub-contract 40% of the gross value of the development construction…does anyone at OPM – Works know what portion was?

Article 3.2 mentions work permits between, note 400-500 on a short term basis…ratio non-Bahamian workers is to be 70%…this may be amended to suit the parties. Shadow training required…was this ever done? Was the 70% ratio amended? Show letter.

The HOA does not seem to include or provide for financial penalties if these clauses are breached…Clause: 3 useless.

Surely if the then Government, PLP, was serious there would have been a serious penalty for violation of the labour concession…say a $100,000.00 fine if the percentage Bahamian-Foreign worker was breached for every 30-days of the breach. We have to stop being silly.

It is blatantly obvious the FNM Minister of Labour kept a blind eye on The Pointe and totally disregarded the lack of Bahamian construction workers on the site. Explain Mr Foulkes.



January 20, 2020.


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