Atheist Nation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It’s really sad that the Christian community has nothing better to do but to suggest who is or is not an atheist.

Perhaps these Christians should read Matthew 7:1 or Matthew 7:21. In other words, “Mind ya own bizness”!

Of course, this is a matter of the tail wagging the dog.... blame someone else for the problems within the Church then no one will notice that the Church is a failure. In the 70s when the numbers were down it was because of Rastafari. In the 80s when the numbers were down it was because of the gays, AIDS and HIV. Numbers are down again and the Church isn’t making money the way it used to make so, “Let’s blame the atheists”.

The Church needs to realize: the Rastafarians didn’t put up with Church foolishness, the gays didn’t put up with Church foolishness and neither will the atheists. Times are a-changing.

The Laws of the Land, the Constitution and the House of Parliament are all above biblical laws. (Oh btw, the pre-amble to the Constitution is worthless... it’s there to keep the hypocrites happy).

Instead of blaming atheists for the state of this Christian Nation, the Christian community should be building a tent hospital to rival the Samaritan’s Purse.

We don’t need another tent church, we need a hospital funded by the trillions of dollars the Christian community is making from its congregation, members, recruits.

It’s time to get moving. These breakfast, lunch and dinner hand-outs aren’t cutting it and blaming atheists for the Church’s shortcomings is a waste of time.

Put up or shut up!



November 3, 2020.


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