The Church and the Pride

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE Bible has a million different interpretations. Jehovah Witnesses found some obscure text in it reference mixing blood and they will quite literally allow their children to die rather than giving them a blood transfusion. Personally that sickens me.

There is a letter in your paper today ref Pride & the Church. Homosexuality has been around before Christ walked the earth. Some cultures frown upon it and generally speaking the more civilised cultures accept it. In the first of the great civilizations the Greeks ( before Christ ) it was totally accepted. In Victorian England it was a criminal offence and the great writer, satirist and leading intellectual Oscar Wilde spent time in Reading gaol for homosexuality. Generally speaking worldwide approx 2% of the world’s population is “ completely homosexual” . It’s important to understand these people are born this way and the idea that they can be conditioned out of homosexuality is farcical. No amount of preaching and quoting of the Bible will change this statistic.

These so-called christians who feel that homosexuals should be ostracised/punished and excluded for the condition that nature bestowed upon them is frankly very un-Christian.

His comments do not surprise me this correspondent is the same gentleman who a few months back stated in a previous letter that Trump was not a racist! Astounding and almost beyond comprehension.

Trump is doing his utmost to bring back blatant racist behaviour as the norm in the USA. Again last night in the debate he refused to condemn openly fascist/racist groups such as the Proud Boys who are closely aligned to the Klu Klux Klan. The Klan lynched their last black man in Mobile, Alabama as recently as 1981 and believe me the likes of the Proud Boys would like nothing better than a return to the “good ole days”.



September 30, 2020.


hrysippus 3 years, 7 months ago

Hey Realist, A really good letter. It is good to know that rational non bigoted people exist in the country. Thank you.


joeblow 3 years, 7 months ago

Many fallacies here! It may help to start with the precept that there is such a thing as normal thoughts, feelings and actions, which by logical extension means there can be abnormal thoughts etc. The bible addresses moral and spiritual issues and never condones homosexuality or pedophilia (which was also practiced by the ancient Greeks). Additionally, There is zero scientific evidence to support a genetic basis for homosexuality. Consensual sex is always a choice as is the ability to choose what feelings or thoughts a person will act on, unless the person has a medical condition that makes it difficult to control ones impulses! Consider reviewing people who came out of homosexuality and you may see that it is a lifestyle choice! This makes homosexuality a moral issue based on choice not one that can be compared to issues of immutable characteristics like race.

Concerning Trump being racist, there are enough black who know him personally and stated that he is not racist (Mike Tyson, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Kanye West, Candace Owens etc) but people are free to believe anything they want


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