BAMSI brings fresh produce for Ranfurly children

BAMSI donates produce to Ranfurly Homes for Children

BAMSI donates produce to Ranfurly Homes for Children

THE Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute donated produce from its North Andros farm to the Ranfurly Homes for Children yesterday.

The donation came as BAMSI joined the global community in recognising and celebrating the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation’s (FAO) World Food Day 2020 on October 16.

In alignment with the FAO’s efforts to promote awareness and encourage action for those who suffer from hunger, ensure healthy diets for every community, and as part of its “give back” programme, BAMSI donated cases of sweet potatoes, papaya, eggplant and pumpkin.

BAMSI chairman Stephen Turnquest noted in a press release that with COVID-19 affecting countless lives, the call to action presented by World Food Day becomes even more urgent.

As one of the agencies tasked with improving food security and increasing the availability of safe and nutritious foods, BAMSI relies on the engines of research education and public engagement to achieve its mission of improving the quality, variety, and quantity of food being produced in The Bahamas.


JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago

Did they wipe the smoke and soot off them produce before giving them? LOL


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