What has happened to missing boys?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am distraught – I haven’t slept a wink after reading in The Tribune that two little Bahamian boys — six years old, no less – were deported to Haiti shortly before that island was hit by an earthquake. And their only sin?

Although born in the Bahamas, their mother was a Haiti and the father was a Bahamian. Their parents were not married and so the stain of illegitimacy on the innocent youngsters made them Haitian, although to them the Bahamas was home! Talk about the sins of the father being visited on the sons – this is a case where the father, although a Bahamian, had not married the mother.

I am sick and tired of children being held responsible for their parents’ transgressions. What has made matters worse is, if in fact what I have been told is true‚ those boys were in the jurisdiction of the court.

If this is true why were they – two sons of the Bahamian soil— put on a plane and shipped out of the Bahamas? I have since learned that their mother accompanied them. This doesn’t help – they should be in the Bahamas, the land of their birth. And now Haiti has been devastated. Where are these two frightened little six year olds?

I think our government has a duty to find out and let us know. I never knew that there were persons in our country who could be accused of such inhumanity.

I hope The Tribune will try to find out the fate of these two frightened little six-year-olds.

No, I am not Haitian. I am a full blown Bahamian going back many generations. But I, like those little boys, belong to the human race, which makes us equal in the eyes of God.

I shan’t rest until I know the fate of those two innocent children. I hope their Bahamian father will find out and let us know. In the meantime, I pray for this unhappy family and hope that we will be told why these boys were shipped out and denied their birthright.

Remember friends, the old Bahamian saying – “God don’t like ugly!”



August 17, 2021


themessenger 2 years, 8 months ago

Agreed, not only a despicable act, but when Immigration officials can ignore a Supreme Court ruling our democracy is under threat as well.


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