
EDITOR, The Tribune.

The plight of an Atlantis Furloughed staff member.

It’s sad. Totally unfair. Going above and beyond for a company and look how we are treated – feels like we are neglected, thrown aside, forgotten.

Myself and others on furlough going on “two” long years don’t know what’s going on or what to expect – still out on furlough and no communication from Atlantis, some of us barely managing and in despair .

The company stopped paying furloughed staff a long time ago, many depend on the government’s small stipend of $200 every two weeks; this is going to be stopped in a few weeks – what will we do then? situation is sad – no communication is being sent to the staff, we have no idea what is being done.

Is it they care more about money than their hard working employees? – many find it hard to get another job; some are either too old or over qualified.

The struggle is real. What does the law say? Who is on our side? How can the powers that be stand by and let them take advantage off us like this? Is there anyone in labour or law who can help us?

MISS FURLOUGHED and worried.


August 20, 2021.


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