Let the games begin

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The proverbial electoral bell has been rung and Bahamians go to the polls on the 16th September, God willing. We who are registered voters will have an opportunity to either return Dr Hubert A Minnis (FNM-Killarney) and the FNM to power or to vote in the New PLP led by the Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis, QC, (PLP-Cat Island). I am persuaded that the upcoming general elections will be a nail biter of the highest order.

The FNM is led by Dr Minnis who is the current Prime Minister. The New PLP is led by “Brave”. These men are both formidable leaders in their own right but the demonstration that one has compassion; a heart and a soul, at this critical juncture are very important as we prepare to go to the polls. What set of circumstances, natural or contrived, produces political leaders?

The long deceased British political philosopher, Bertrand Russell in his classical work: “Power-A New Social Analysis” wrote: “The power impulse has two forms: explicit in leaders and implicit in followers. When men willingly follow a leader, they do so with a view towards the acquisition of power by the group which he/she commands, and they feel that his/her triumphs are theirs. Most men do not feel that they have the competency required for leading their group to victory and therefore seek out a captain who appears to have the courage and tenacity to do so for the group.

Dr Minnis is a “created” leader who came to the leadership of the FNM by default in my view whereas Brave is a natural leader who stands on his own individual achievements. He is his own man so to speak. He has rebuilt and rebranded the New PLP from the very ashes of political defeat. Minnis comes across as a draconian and harsh person who could care less about people’s feelings or well being. Brave is focused; tenacious and has empathy for the small man and woman. He has compassion; a heart and a soul, to quote the current Prime Minister.

I consider myself a Prophet but all of you know that such people have no honour in their own country so at this juncture I do not dare to predict the outcome of the upcoming general elections. There will be, however, many current MPs who will not be returned to parliament and there will be many more elected to replace them. In 2017 the electorate rejected brother Christie and not so much the individual old PLP candidates even though the majority of them had to go.

Just as in 2017 Christie found himself in the dubious position of being the most hated political leader at that time, I suggest that Dr. Minnis is now in that exact same place due to events which he could not humanly control. Unfortunately in politics the bad and ugly come with the good in no natural order. Many promises were made by Minnis and the FNM leading up to the general elections of 2017. One or maybe two of them were fulfilled. The rest never saw the light of the day.

I am able to think of five current FNM representatives who will be returned to office, possibly. They are: Dr Minnis (FNM-Killarney); the Hon Dionisio D’Aguilar (FNM-Free Town); the Hon Renward Wells (FNM-Bamboo Town); the Hon Frankie A Campbell (FNM-Southern Shores) and the Hon Shannendon Cartwright (FNM-St Barnabas). The New PLP, in my assessment will capture a minimum of 18 seats here in New Providence. The leader; deputy leader and national chairman will be re-elected or returned back to parliament.

It is a regret that the current PM chose to call a snap election but he’s done so at his own peril while disenfranchising thousands of Bahamians who for whatever reason failed to read the tea leaves, especially those who would have been first time voters. In any event, let the games begin. Consider all of the options and digest all of the political rhetoric, but please, for your sake; that of your family and the nation deliberate carefully and do “the right thing”.



August 21, 2021.


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