Clean-up horror story

EDITOR, The Tribune.

To all who care about beaches,

I just read with horror the story told by Adam Boorman in today’s Tribune Weekend section. Mr Boorman, who usually provides informative planting advice in his weekly gardening column, this week instead sounded the alarm that native vegetation carefully placed to preserve and protect the sand at Saunders Beach was being ripped up and tossed away by a “clean-up crew.”

Is there no training, no education about the importance of sea oats and beach grasses holding sand in place or the role beach morning glory and running vines play in saving what beach and coastline we still have access to?

Or maybe whoever is in charge would rather provide jobs for those who push brooms back and forth on the road sweeping up the sand that got away because the plants that were holding it in place were “cleaned up.” Let’s hope not. And going forward, can we please make sure that before any vegetation on public property is destroyed, those responsible understand why it is there and what purpose it serves.



December 17, 2021.


sheeprunner12 2 years, 4 months ago

We are more concerned with how clean the beach is, with no weeds on it 😂


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