Impulse to seek power

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Many decades ago a noted English political philosopher, Bertrand Russell, penned several essays relative to political power and why men and women could very well throw their parents, et al, under a bus to achieve it. These essays were eventually combined into a book that he titled: “Power”. During the long parliamentary recess (in the midst of the ongoing pandemic and a wobbly economy) I would urge all current members of the House and the senate, along with those who are seeking elective or appointed office, to read it.

In politics, some enter it with the genuine belief and conviction that they want to make a difference in the lives of their prospective constituents. Others, a majority in my view, enter to get political and economic power over the unwashed masses. There are no grey areas, again in my view.

Russell wrote: “Between man and other animals there are various differences, some intellectual, some emotional.” Animals of the so-called lower nature are motivated by the need for food and reproductive activities. The necessity of shelter or gainful employment are not a part of their lot. Not so, however, with man. Yes, food and sex play a vital role, but the ordinary man seeks more. He will often seek wealth and then power or in the reverse....power then wealth.

He went on to opine that: “What we need for lasting happiness is impossible for human beings; only God can have complete bliss for His is the kingdom; the power and the glory. Earthly kingdoms are limited by other kingdoms; earthly power is cut short by death; earthly glory, though we build pyramids or be married to immortal verse, fades away with the passing of centuries. To those who have but little of power and glory, it may seem that a little bit more would satisfy them, but in this they are mistaken; these desires are insatiable and infinite and only in the infinitude of God could they find repose.”

From the creation days man wanted to be God. Nothing much has changed from then to now. Power is a powerful phenomenon. Here in The Bahamas the PM now wields almost unlimited power under the provisions of the Emergency Powers Act and regulations thereunder. At the stroke of a pen Minnis is able to shut down businesses; churches; weddings; funerals’ repasts; the beaches and impose, as he sees fit. His edict is law and is enforceable by the armed forces and the judiciary. No other PM has ever had such sweeping powers. This has been the case since last year March and is slated to continue down into August of this year, if as the learned AG says: “Bahamians behave”!

Russell also opined that: Of the infinite desires of man, the chief are the desires for power and glory. Theses are not identical, though closely allied; a Prime Minister has more power than glory, the king has more glory than power. As a rule, however, the easiest way to obtain glory is to win power; this is especially true as regards men who are active in public life or events.” This is why each electoral season we see persons in hand-to-hand combat, politically, seeking entry into the halls of power. This applies to most of our home grown politicians across the board.

Minnis may have the power but there is little chance that he will ever achieve the elusive glory. Recall for a moment, if you will, that brother Christie also had the power, but today, less than four years after he was obliged to demit office and the power that went with it, he is seldom talked abought or sought after. His power is gone and there is no lingering glory.

Yes, Minnis now has almost unlimited power and is actively seeking the means to bring glory to his name and that of the FNM. I am almost certain the 70% of those who will be offering are seeking naked power and a little bit of that elusive glory. In the main they are already financially secure and comfortable. So what are they seeking? I submit that they are seeking, primarily, power to impact other people and to manipulate them wherever and whenever possible. In all things, however, always remember that only God has the automatic power and, for sure only He has the lasting glory.



June 23 2021.


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