We must stop import of firearms

EDITOR, The Tribune.

It is recorded that last year the United States reported more than 20,000 murders – the highest total since 1995 and 4,000 more than in 2019.

Every reason under under the sun is given for the escalation — every reason, except the obvious - too many guns! Not only too many guns, but the idea that every American’s constitutional right is the possession of a gun. And, of course, the strong and prosperous gun entrepreneurs will never let an American forget his inalienable right to own a firearm.

Here in The Bahamas, no one by law is allowed to own a gun without a police permit and yet, there are still too many guns on the streets — undoubtedly all unlicensed— in the hands of many Bahamians — all thanks to the ease of purchase in the US and the Bahamian’s obvious ability to smuggle them in.

The Bahamian can purchase as many guns as they want in the US, their ingenuity is tested as to how they sneak them into the Bahamas.

In the United States they wring their hands over the increase in murders — generally the result of a shooting — but they talk, and talk, and more talk about solutions, but never is there a mention of the urgent need for restrictions on gun possession — the obvious culprit!

It is a shame that they can’t see the obvious. As a result the Bahamas also suffers, because of unlicensed gun possession – although if caught can get the owner a stint in jail –many Bahamians still find ways to smuggle them in — hence the increase in gun violence on our own streets.

I just pray that one day Americans will see the light and and introduce laws to control gun possession in their own country, and Bahamian Customs will step up their inspection for gun importation by Bahamians.



June 20, 2021


FrustratedBusinessman 2 years, 10 months ago

Probably the dumbest shit that I have read on this website, and that speaks volumes. Why does Switzerland not have a gun crime issue? Vermont, despite being a Democrat stronghold in Presidential elections for the past several decades, is a strong 2A state that has extremely high levels of gun ownership with near non existent levels of gun crime. Why don't they have issues? Stringent firearms laws has not stopped Frenchmen or Brits from having their heads cut off if you want to look across the pond.

For the record, you just do not walk into Walmart and buy a gun to use in committing a crime. As a matter of fact, depending on the state, there are background checks and waiting periods that one must go through when purchasing a firearm, so you aren't going to walk out with it on the same day. As usual, Bahamians love to talk shit and sound educated when they know nothing of what they speak of.

Every firearm has a serial number (except for jerry-rigged Kyhber copies), why don't we hear more from CID on where they are coming from? Even if it scraped off, forensics can determine what the number once was. Most of the guns on our streets don't even get smuggled from the US, they come directly from Haiti along with dope, illegals, and God knows whatever else. As usual, Bahamians have to blame someone else instead of teaching their children to evolve past homo erectus.


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