Defence Force officer found not guilty of murder, attempted murder

Jevon Seymour. (File photo)

Jevon Seymour. (File photo)

A Royal Bahamas Defence Force officer accused of murder and attempted murder was found not guilty on all counts on Wednesday.

Able Seaman Jevon Seymour was accused of fatally shooting another RBDF officer in a guardroom at Government House in 2019 and attempting to murder two others. He was also charged with two counts of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges and spent the last few weeks on trial before Supreme Court Justice Bernard Turner.

After a jury found the accused not guilty on all counts, his family formed a prayer circle outside the court. They said although Seymour was acquitted, they pray the culprit who killed Petty Officer Percival Perpall is caught.

• See Thursday’s Tribune for more on this story.

Family of Jevon Seymour outside court after he was found not guilty

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