Apostle Williams

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The advent of the pandemic and the economic and social fall outs would have either driven Bahamians closer to God or they would have caused many to fall off spiritually and question: 'Where is God in the middle of all of this?' The Bahamas Christian Council and many of our churches are not doing enough, publicly, in my view, to assure doubtful and fearful Bahamians that The Lord is still on the throne.

These are the times when men and women need to strengthen or reconnect to their spiritual and not necessarily religious roots. In the natural most of what we hear; feel and perceive, since the pandemic, may well appear to be doom and gloom. Tens of thousands are without regular employment. Thousands have been evicted from apartments and homes foreclosed on.

Students in most cases are obliged to stay at home and be taught virtually. Parents who are not computer literate are not able to assist their school aged children. God forbid that their residential electrical supplies may have been disconnected due to inability to pay the same. Life as many of us used to know it has been turned upside down literally. The Bahamas needs nuggets of wisdom from The Lord now more than ever before. Where do they go to get these?

Of course many of us have our church homes where we would have been there for years. It is unfortunate at least in my personal experience that many of the people who preach the Word either did not receive it from The Lord or if they think that they did they do not appear to know the Scriptures and the fundamental patterns and truth thereof.

A simple case in point. With economical and social dislocation most Bahamians speak negativity over their dire straights and strong words of doom and gloom. Well has it been written: “The power of Life and Death are in the tongue”. In other words these are the trying times when people should be uttering, vocally, what it is that they need God Himself to do for them and not acts and words which fuel the raging fires of defeat; doubt and lack.

May I suggest that if you are under the anointing or lack thereof of a pastor or the equivalent whose so-called ministry is impacting your life and that of your family separate yourselves. Find a ministry based on biblical principles. Where you might ask can one find such a phenomenon? Life Changers Ministries International @ Bacardi Road headed by Apostle Valentino Williams and his wife, Doctor Cleopatra Williams is the place in my experience and opinion.

The late Dr Myles Munroe, founder of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, was a pioneer in teaching why people need to change their mindset about biblical patterns and come to understand that God is not a God of lack or want. He wants those who call upon His name, believing and having faith, that He is more than capable and willing to meet their requests. He thought that God's words must always come to manifestation and not return to Him void.

Dr Munroe started his ministries decades ago. People, including myself, used to perceive him as being a religious charlatan or worse. It was only some years later as the # 1 rated radio talk show host @ MORE 94.9 FM that I came to appreciate and understand those biblical and spiritual principles. His most untimely death along with others, left a void in the spiritual life of the nation. That void remained unfilled for many years. God, in my view, has now sent a successor and teacher in the form of Apostle Valentino Williams. Selah.

May I be so bold as to invite you, dear reader, to visit with us at Life Changers International Ministries any Sunday at either 7:30 am or 9:30am. Your life will never be the same and you will learn the biblical patterns to break generational curses; how to allow the Word of God to dig you out of a life of confusion; lack and want. To God then in all things be the glory.



May 17, 2021.


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