Cost to the Treasury

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read with amazement and listened to the Senior Police officers who have been reinstated, congrats; but as a tax payer I dread what this means to our public treasury.

There seems to be a culture in the public service with many public servants accumulating years of unused vacation; and when they leave the service, walk away with their retirement entitlements plus the years of unused vacation pay in cash, it’s part of the retirement planning.

There ought to be a policy that vacation must be used and never paid in cash, in short mandatory pre-retirement leave for those with all those with years of accumulated vacation pay.

What is the injustice of taking a paid vacation? What is the mentality of a person who never wants to take a paid vacation, can’t afford to leave the island?

For that officer getting up out of his bed after listening to police radio, the whole point of a vacation, you don’t have to get up out of your bed to go to work.

The body and mind needs to be recharged public servants, check out Thursday’s newspaper.



October 25, 2021.


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