Cycle your way to a fitter life

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Hip! Hip! And away!

Park your car, throw away the keys, jump on your bike and make your noble contribution to climate change!

However, after daily picking up my newspaper and seeing photos of so many obese Bahamians, I think we might all do ourselves a favour by not only saving the planet, but saving ourselves from an early grave by doing something about our excess weight!

Can you imagine instead of the bumper-to-bumper morning and evening traffic to and from work, if we were cycling – not only to be among the heroes to give our planet a chance –but also to be giving ourselves a chance for a longer, and healthier life!

Why not let’s try it? Instead of the bumper-to-bumper morning and evening traffic, spewing its evil fuel, why not let’s get together and form a bicycle brigade cycling ourselves to and from our offices! Yes, instead of breathing fumes, we would be breathing God’s fresh air. Added to which we can then sleep well at night knowing that we have added a few more centuries to the life of our planet for the enjoyment of future Bahamians! And, just maybe added a few more healthy years to our own lives!

Come on let’s get together and see who gets his bicycle out first — it just takes one to start the wheels rolling, so that maybe we can not only have a healthier Bahamas, but healthier and happier Bahamians.



November 2, 2021


themessenger 2 years, 6 months ago

I can see it now, fat gals in dey skin tight dresses trying to put on their makeup while sweating it off as the bicycle seat gives them a wedgie, not to mention all da rest eating breakfast and lunch at the handlebars instead of the wheel. No AC on a 90 degree summer day, just God breeze, and God help you if it rain cause da toe jam from dem tennis will kill you. Now I done reach to work late after riding from Yamacraw let me find somewhere to lock up my bike, you know dese Nassau people like tief, so I ain gatty catch da #19 going home. Yep, das a great idea, see all yinna at Cycles Unlimited!


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