Were the pirates actually expelled?

EDITOR, The Tribune

Dear Prime Minister Davis,

As per 47 illegals recently caught in our waters from at least six different countries, may I remind you of the words of the late American President Ronald Reagan, and I quote: "A nation that cannot control its borders ceases to be a nation."

If Bahamians think it is only Haitians, Jamaicans and Cubans traversing our waters illegally then they need to go back to bed and call it a day. On that yacht were Europeans, Asians, West Indians, South Americans and yes, allegedly a Bahamian captain.

According to news media each individual paid up to thirty thousand ($30,000.00) to obtain passage to the US, so even a fifth grade student can multiply 30,000 X 47 and see just how lucrative this type of business is that one trip the captain probably collected $1,410,000, yes, that is $1.4 million for a one way, and just think of it, they got caught only because the boat broke down in the middle of the ocean!

Think of the hundreds of boats possibly getting through via smuggling in our waters, this seems to be the greatest lucrative business in the world. The pirates of yester-year seem to have arisen from their graves. If true, where else in the world can you make that type of money for a two-hour trip or 50-90 miles excursion? How much is that per mile? Hell, it's cheaper to go to outer space as the new trend is like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are doing.

Honestly, if you were a younger person would you take that chance to travel 50-90 miles for $1.410,000 - okay, am only dreaming, am I? what government.bs can I apply for a licence?

I know, PM, you and your new administration with our defense force work day and night guarding our borders always vigilant and constantly on the lookout. However, if the US seriously want to keep the smugglers out from entering the US don't you think they should give a “lil more assistance?" After all we are a buffer for the US keeping terrorists and illegals out. I may have read somewhere some of the terrorists from 911 passed through our borders in order to make good their dastardly plan.

By the way am just saying don't overlook the million dollar yachts docked at some of our ports, are some of them also in the piracy trade of smuggling illegals to the US? I have been hearing quiet whispers for some time after all those boats have a high up keep to maintain so an extra million here or there should come in handy - however, I have no actual proof any of them are doing anything illegal. But the streets talk.

Just think of it, some of these “smugglers” could have breakfast in the Bahamas, land in Florida and have lunch and by five pm be on a plane to New York to have dinner. Yes, our motto says pirates expelled and trade restored, but are you sure the pirates were actually expelled or just went underground for a few hundred years, after all we all one day will return from the grave!

Ah these jeweled islands so small, yet so prominent to those seeking freedom or making fortunes in the US these 700 islands, rocks and cays are playing a huge role in defending the mighty United States we are glad to do our lil’ five cents, but maybe a lil’ more assistance with technology and even better boats would aid in stopping the illegal trade of smuggling bodies. This is a vile trade perhaps on par to slavery, but then desperate people do desperate things and who am I to say if my family were in a poverty position what I would do.

Xi Jinping do you have any available boats not in use that we can use, after all your navy has become a full force power lurking to reclaim Taiwan by sea or are you still building roads and cheap stadiums around the world in third world countries? All we need is one or two with fast motors so we in these little islands can help the US, but then if we have you and the US trying to assist us could that be cause for world war three?

Yes, folks that one boat ride, one way trip, if what is being said is true or even partially true, would give the captain $1.4 – damn am I in the right business?


Nassau, Bahamas

November 5, 2021.


ohdrap4 2 years, 5 months ago

The pirates of yesteryear had a code of conduct.

They were a republic, so politically more advanced than we are now.


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